Welcome Jones & Vandermeer (+ giveaway!)


I’m happy to introduce you to my newest sponsor, Jones & Vandermeer! This great shop offers up a wide selection of beautiful fabrics (as well as yarns, buttons, beads and ribbons). I love shops that carry unique items, and this one certainly fits the bill. Not only do they carry great items, but they write such great descriptions for all their products! I love browsing the new arrivals for fun new fabrics I might not find elsewhere.

My most recent order included the fabrics above – the middle print is one of my current favorite Liberty of London prints, and those on either side are new Yuwa Botanical Study prints. I particularly love that coffee color shown at the bottom. Don’t they look great together? They’d make a good start towards putting together a color scheme similar to Hazel’s patchwork quilt.


I also picked up a fat quarter pack of these new Sevenberry Neons. Fun, right? I love the contrast of the neons on the nice cotton/linen background.


And I usually can’t resist checking out the ribbons and buttons. I don’t have plans for these ribbons yet, but they were too pretty to resist.


Want to win some of those neons? Jones & Vandermeer is kindly offering up a fat quarter bundle to one lucky commenter. Please leave a comment here telling me what you’d make out of these great fabrics (I don’t have plans for mine yet, so ideas would be welcome!). I’ll select a winner on Sunday evening. And in the meantime I hope you’ll take a little peek at the Jones & Vandermeer shop – I have a feeling you’ll find something you love!

Update! Random.org selected number 97, Kim, who thinks these neons would look great in a modern quilt. I agree with her! Hopefully Kim will be able to put these great fabrics to good use!

Posted in Fabric, Giveaway! | Tagged , , , , , , | 262 Comments

taking stock, once again

So the time has come again. It’s time to air my dirty laundry, er, unfinished quilt tops, in hopes that it motivates me to get some of these finished! I wrote a similar post a little over a year ago, and I’m sad to say that several of those quilts shown then remain unfinished. And of course many more have been added to the list. It’s time to get some quilt backs made! Want to see what’s in the unfinished quilt closet these days?


Jam on


Liberty Churn Dash


Improv Solids


Flea Market Fancy Swoon


Half Squared


Graduated Rainbow


Hooked Hexagons in purples


Hooked Hexagons in aqua & gold


A colorful trip


faux roman stripes






pink & gray improv


FMF on point

I spy some favorites up there! Then there are a few that I hesitate to quilt for fear of not doing them justice, and a few that I’ve fallen out of love with. But I would love to see them all finished, and now that they’re all rounded up here, I’m going to do my best to cross a few off the list! As before, any votes on what to start with first? And of course, if you have your own embarrassing list of unfinished quilts, do share!


Posted in Fabric, Posts about Quilts | Tagged , | 76 Comments

3 months


Another month, gone by a tad too quickly for my liking! Hazel remains a really happy baby, and luckily, has been ok with being ignored and/or dropped in her crib/chair/floor when Max needed my attention immediately (oh potty training! fun times!). She wakes each day with a smile and as soon as she gets your attention it’s all baby talk and excited screams (video here if you want 10 seconds of baby talk).


And Max? Things have improved this month and he’s been quite helpful and awfully sweet towards Hazel. Our main issue these days is getting dinner on the table as early as he’d like it (“eat NOW!!” is repeated increasingly loudly as the seconds pass…)

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