Well hello! It’s funny how you can stop blogging for a few days and then suddenly find that it’s been months… or a year or more! You know what though, I still love having this record of my projects online, so I’m going to attempt to be better about posting them here.

This quilt came about suddenly – I hadn’t had much motivation to do any quilting… possibly due to too much mask-making all summer, or perhaps just feeling burnt out and unmotivated. I kind of missed it though, and kept trying to find some easy way to ease back into it. One day I remembered all the bags of solid scraps I found stored in the basement. I decided to challenge myself to create something, anything!, out of them.

After pulling them all out, I realized that most were longish strips, so I just started piecing them into pairs. Then I pieced those pairs together. I found that many were long enough to allow me to trim them down into large 16″ blocks. And when I came up short, I just pieced in extra solids.

Since it was basically just piecing strips together, these blocks came together quite quickly and it made for a very satisfying project!

For the backing, I found several yards of this old Amy Butler print I had been hoarding, and it seemed perfect. I always love having the chance to actually use something I’ve been holding onto for so long!

I quilted it with double straight lines on the diagonal, and bound it in a dark solid I had on hand. I can honestly say it felt good to make something again. Hopefully this will be what I need to feel like starting another project… sometimes that’s all it takes, right?
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