Tag Archives: quilt tops

taking stock, once again

So the time has come again. It’s time to air my dirty laundry, er, unfinished quilt tops, in hopes that it motivates me to get some of these finished! I wrote a similar post a little over a year ago, … Continue reading

Posted in Fabric, Posts about Quilts | Tagged , | 76 Comments

quilting ideas with Angela Walters! (+giveaway)

Hey hey! Who wants to talk quilting today? How about we talk quilting with the queen of machine quilting, Angela Walters? Angela is truly a master at what she does. Each time I see a quilt that Angela has quilted, … Continue reading

Posted in Giveaway!, Posts about Quilts | Tagged , , , , | 280 Comments

taking stock…

So, I guess it’s time to talk about those unfinished quilts. It seems as though it’s been easy for me to finish a quilt top, hide it away in a closet, and start another. I went looking for unfinished quilt … Continue reading

Posted in Posts about Quilts | Tagged , , , | 115 Comments