a little more echino

It’s a good thing that I don’t make resolutions, since I imagine that one of them would be something along the lines of ‘(try to) finish one quilt before starting another’. And if that were the case, then I would have already broken said resolution. This week alone I’ve jumped from quilt to quilt, and even though there are a couple that I’d really like to see finished, I found myself grabbing my Echino fabrics to make up a few simple blocks.

These fabrics really make me happy. I love the bright colors, and I really love how they look all together. I decided to make up simple quarter log cabin blocks – it’s a design I’ve wanted to make for a while, and I think it will be a fun one with these colorful prints. (Chaotic, yes, but hopefully in a good way!)

So this is probably where you’ll find me this weekend – combining some of my favorite prints into these colorful blocks. (And I’m going to try my best to continue working to finish those other quilts!)

Posted in Fabric, Posts about Quilts | Tagged , , , , , , | 22 Comments

colorblock plus quilt progress

Do you remember this stack of fabrics?

I pulled them out a while ago with the intention of making a baby quilt. They sat (right in that same spot!) for quite some time, until the other day when I decided to go ahead and cut into them. At the last minute I decided I wasn’t loving the red prints, so I replaced the red with orange. I also grabbed several solid blues for the background.

I wasn’t sure exactly how the design would come together. In my mind, I was just thinking about different sized plus blocks on a colorblock background. As I was piecing it though, I kept feeling like it needed a little more, so I added in random strips and little snippets.

This is the bottom 2/3rds of the quilt, so I still have the top portion to finish, but I think I quite like it so far!

And of course it was fun to use a bit of these fabulous Heather Ross gnomes. I think this is the first time I’ve used them in a quilt! (yay me for no longer hoarding them!)

Posted in baby, Posts about Quilts | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 22 Comments

echino strips

I started this quilt the other day. The idea was to use up some of my Echino fabrics – in my mind I imagined larger blocks so you could really see the various prints. Of course, as it so often goes, once I started cutting and playing with the fabrics it turned into something else entirely!

So here’s what we have on the design wall –

As you can see, rather than those larger blocks showing the Echino prints, I chopped them up into smaller strips and sewed various sized blocks together using a bunch of colorful solids.

In the end, I think I’m glad it took this turn – I think the stripes are fun, and I think it will make for an interesting wall hanging – perhaps something fun for the baby’s room? (We certainly haven’t gotten to the decorating stage yet, so who knows!)

I’ll probably keep it this smallish size, and maybe work on some dense straight line quilting. And maybe in the future I’ll have a chance to use up some more Echino fabrics in a larger quilt design!

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