Tag Archives: baby boy
what I’m working on this week…
This weekend I spent some time making quilt backs. For far too long I’ve been just making quilt tops and then storing them in the closet. I finally decided to pull them all out and get them finished (it would … Continue reading
Posted in Fabric, Posts about Quilts
Tagged baby boy, fabric stack, gnome, handmade, Heather Ross, plus quilt, quilt back, quilting, summer sherbet
monaco, baby!
It seems that most of the quilts I make include at least a little pink and almost always some type of floral fabric, and thus tend to be on the girlier side. A lot of that must be due to … Continue reading
Posted in Posts about Quilts
Tagged baby boy, baby quilt, handmade, jennifer moore, monaco, monaluna, quilt, spotted squares
twin baby goldfish quilts
If I have one favorite go to fabric for baby quilts, this is it! I’m so in love with these Heather Ross goldfish! These two little quilts were made and gifted last weekend to summer friends who are having twin … Continue reading