Welcome ChristaQuilts! (+ giveaway)


I hope you’ll join me in welcoming ChristaQuilts as my newest sponsor! Christa tells me that she loves all things modern and especially enjoys machine quilting and machine applique techniques. She sells lots of colorful fabrics in her store and also a great selection of quilt kits (with free US shipping!). In addition running her shop, she also maintains her blog, where you can find many great tutorials and quilt-alongs. She also did a great series of posts about QuiltCon, including three posts showing all the award winning quilts (so fun to see them all in one place!)


In fact, one of her recent tutorials, Charming Chevrons, was shown at QuiltCon and it’s made entirely from Kona Solids. I always love seeing quilts made solely of solids. I’ve only made a couple myself, but each time I see one I’m reminded that I should make another! Those of you who also love solids will be happy to read that for today’s giveaway, Christa is offering one lucky blog reader a set of 8 Kona solid fat quarters of their choice!

xqurkkc413  melon  olive

(a few of my favorites – Kona Aqua, Melon & Olive) 

To enter, please leave one comment here. If you’d like, take a peek at Christa’s shop to see her selection of Konas and let us know your favorite colors. I’ll select one winner on Sunday evening.  Update: A winner has been selected by random.org! And the winner is lucky number 135, Cricket, who loves Kona Fern (and also the way Christa organizes the Konas by color).

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But wait! Christa is offering a special discount for you today. Use the discount code B13FITF to get an extra 5% off your next order at ChristaQuilts. Once you use the code the first time, Christa will add you to her group discount and you’ll get a permanent 5% off every order in the future, too!

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a quilt in progress…

For my next quilt, I decided I wanted to use some great handprinted fabrics from Umbrella Prints. I purchased three of their trimmings packs from my local shop, Nido. I tried to select three with similar colors, and it was fun to get home and look through the packs to see what I got. I wasn’t sure what type of pattern I wanted to use, so I put the trimmings away for a while. Then the other day I decided to just go for it and see what it turned into. I took a few photos along the way –


So it started with these prints. These are just a few of them, since I failed to get a photo of the whole selection, But I pulled out all those that were gray, blue, neutral and green.


I thought I’d pair them with these solids.


I found that I had 4 pieces of the gray heart print, so I separated the prints into four groups, each with similar colors. I had just put away one of these quilts I made years ago, so I started thinking that I could do something similar with four blocks and some negative space.


Then I remembered this quilt from Jacquie and Katie’s Quilting Modern book, and thought that perhaps I could make something similar using my selected prints and solids.


I started making blocks, using the gray hearts as the center of each.


(Auditioning fabrics for the next rings)


And another block. I tried to keep the fabrics in a similar order in each block, starting with the gray hearts, surrounded by the gray solid, then white, then blue, etc. Here I thought that the next ring would be the gray, followed by green.


(3 of the blocks in progress). At this point I still wasn’t quite sure where this was going, if anywhere! And based on the size and shape, I no longer thought that these blocks would work with the Tunnel Vision quilt.


After studying it for a while, I decided I disliked that outer gray portion, so I removed it. Then I decided to ditch the green altogether.


Starting to get somewhere! Now these are looking a bit more cohesive and I finally felt like this would turn into something.


So now I had my four blocks and as it turned out, they ended up being rectangular in shape, so I turned back to the Tunnel Vision quilt and arranged my blocks in a similar pattern.


I surrounded each block in white similar to their quilt and then tried out two colors of Essex yarn dyed solids. When I first made my fabric selections, I included the Essex in flax, but after eliminating the greens and adding in more blues, I found myself more drawn to the Essex in the black.

While my version doesn’t have the same visual impact as theirs (and no tunnel effect!), I’m pretty happy how things ended up, and how I was able to use all these fun Umbrella Prints pieces. I think it’s interesting to see how it evolved and changed along the way — even though this wasn’t my original vision, or even original color selection, I’m pretty pleased with the finished quilt top, which I’ll show you next week!

Posted in Fabric, Posts about Quilts, Quilt Blocks | Tagged , , , , , | 11 Comments

pale pink patchwork


Thanks for all the lovely comments and congratulations on our baby news! We’re excited to be having another, and hope that Max will be happy to have a sister (the jury’s still out at the moment!).


I’ve been having fun pulling out some of my pink fabrics to sew up a few things for the new baby. First up? A quilt out of those pretty peachy prints I used for a pillow cover recently. I loved the combination so much that I cut up the few remaining pieces I had.


There wasn’t enough for an entire patchwork baby quilt, so I surrounded the patchwork section with some flax colored linen and a few remaining printed pieces.


Of course I also had to make up a few pairs of quick change trousers (from Anna Maria Horner’s book)… pink pigs, and some fun Nani Iro, complete with metallic silver dots. Max has gone through quite a few pairs of QCTs, so I’m quite certain we’ll get lots of use out of these.


And another item that’s been getting lots of use around here – bibs! I like the pattern from Lotta Jansdotter’s Simple Sewing for Baby, though I enlarge it just a bit overall. These are backed with organic terrycloth and quilted with some straight lines.

Even though many of the things I made for Max are still useable, it’s fun to add a few new pieces to the mix! I’m looking forward to making up a few dresses – any favorite baby patterns? I have a few Oliver + S patterns (I can’t currently find them, but I know I have them somewhere!) and I think I’m going to need Rae’s Pierrot Tunic and Geranium Dress for sure. Would love to hear your favorites if you have any!

Posted in baby, Clothing, Posts about Quilts | Tagged , , , | 37 Comments