peachy patchwork


Well, the baby has her first quilt. Certainly not her only quilt, but the first one made after discovering that baby #2 would be a little girl. (though every time I sew something girly I tend to have a dream that the baby ends up being a boy!) Anyway…I’ve already shown you this quilt top, but here it is all quilted!


I quilted it with horizontal lines, about 3/4″ apart, then added a section of vertical lines alongside the patchwork section. Then I went back and added extra quilting lines in between a few of those lines to create a little square section to echo the patchwork.


The backing is made up of two Cotton Couture peach solids along with a few of the leftover patchwork prints.


It’s finished off with a green binding, to pick up the little bit of green you can see in a few of the prints.


I’m really happy with how this one turned out! Now we just need to select a wall color for the new nursery/guest room. Perhaps something peachy?

Oh! Several of you asked about the linen used on the front. To be honest, I have no idea what it is, as it’s something I bought several years ago. I seem to recall it being made by Robert Kaufman, though it has a much different feel than their current Essex linen. This particular one is quite soft and drapey, though pretty wrinkly, and wouldn’t necessarily be my first choice for quilting since it’s kind of shifty, though I do love the worn, broken-in feel it gives this quilt. If you’re looking for something similar for a quilt, I do highly recommend either the Robert Kaufman Essex linen, or their Essex yarn dyed linen, both which come in a similar color.


Posted in [search] Other Quilts, baby, Posts about Quilts, Quilts | Tagged , , , , , | 31 Comments

on the wall…


I came across this image on pinterest a while back and immediately wanted my own gray quilt. I pulled out all my gray fabrics, but then waffled on what pattern to use. Then I wasn’t sure if I even liked all those grays together – like gray paint (which I also find hard to pick) some had too much of a bluish or greenish hue, or looked too yellow compared to the others.


After working on Elizabeth’s quilt, I felt the urge to play with some more triangles. I went ahead and cut up all my gray prints, along with a bunch of bright solids, thinking I’d play around and mix them all up together. I looked at it on the wall and wasn’t in love, so went back to the idea of an all gray quilt. I’m still not totally sold, but it’s growing on me. I’m leaving it on the wall for now while I continue thinking about it…


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another round of the traveling quilts


This bee has been a lot of fun so far! Each quilt is so unique, and just keeps getting better as each quilt grows. Every time I receive a new quilt, I put all the pieces up on my design wall, which still hangs over our dining room table (I used to sew there, but then moved to the living room, and somehow never got around to moving the design wall). As it turns out, having the design wall there has been kind of fun – Max’s seat at the table faces the design wall and seems to really love seeing the ever changing art. He loved pointing out the airplane Faith added to Monica’s quilt, and this time around he was absolutely in love with the Pac-Man that Monica added to this quilt (Elizabeth‘s).


Anyway, long story short, I finally took it off the wall so I could add my part (Max was sad, but I thought it was about time I passed it along!). Jacquie had added a great cassette tape, so I started thinking along those lines and decided to play around with some triangles, turning them on their side to look a bit like forward/reverse. I had fun playing with those neons and black and white prints and paired it up with some white space adding three columns to this quilt. And now it’s on its way to John!


Posted in Posts about Quilts, Quilt Blocks | Tagged , , , , | 8 Comments