instead of packing…

…I may have started a new quilt. In my defense, I packed a few boxes, then took a little break to cut and arrange a few strips. It can’t be all work all the time, right?! The kind folks at Freespirit sent along a few fabrics from Denyse Schmidt’s Hadley line recently and as I was packing, I realized how nice this line looked with those Cotton + Steel basics (those basics seem to go well with everything!). I decided to cut them up for this fun minimalist herringbone quilt. I was going to stick with just the fabrics they sent me, but in the end I felt I’d like to see a few more of the Hadley prints included, so I ordered a bundle from Westwood Acres.


Max has already claimed this one for himself, so it looks like I’ll be making it bed-sized. White is likely a bad choice for a three year old (marker-obsessed!) boy, but I figure by the time this one is no longer looking so fresh, I’ll have made something else for him.

Our closings and move are all scheduled for Friday, so this one will be packed away shortly and continued after the move…


Posted in Fabric, Posts about Quilts | Tagged , , , , , , | 12 Comments

friendship bracelet quilt

The old blog may be a bit quiet for the next few weeks while we work on packing and moving. I packed most of my fabric and quilts and it was a tad embarrassing. It’s easy to ignore all those things packed away in various closets, but harder when they’re all boxed up in front of you!


In the midst of it all, I felt I should quickly sandwich and quilt something. This quilt had been waiting for a while, so I pulled it out and  and gave it the straight line treatment.


These solids are Alissa Haight Carlton’s Modern Solids, made up as half rectangle triangles (though the design could just as easily be made with half square triangles – I just happened to be playing with rectangles at the time!). I had a fat quarter of each color, so you may see here and there where I didn’t have quite enough fabric and had to add in something similar.


The backing is pieced with all the leftovers, including a bunch of leftover triangles. It was kind of a fun challenge, as I was down to smaller pieces, with barely enough to get a backing made.


Ah, there’s something I really love about quilts out of all solids!

Posted in [search] HST Quilts, Fabric, Finished Quilts, Posts about Quilts, Quilts | Tagged , , , , , , , | 30 Comments

squared (a finished quilt, and a giveaway!)


It’s so fun to have a finished quilt! It feels like it’s been a long time – my time these days has been taken up with home showings, appraisals, inspections… and of course lots of cleaning. Not so much fun, so it’s even more fun than usual to have a new quilt to admire.


And oh man, this one is one I love looking at! I’ve collected little pieces of these Maze and Vale prints, which are all hand printed in Australia by Leslie Keating. She periodically sells little sample packs (sign up for her newsletter to be alerted to when they’re available, but beware, they go fast!), and I grabbed a few here and there along with a few panels of my favorite prints, and recently I felt I finally had enough variety to make up a quilt out of all Maze and Vale prints.


I made up a bunch of squares of a variety of sizes, alternating the Maze and Vale prints with a solid white. I talked a bit more about putting it together in my previous post about this quilt.


All along though, I kept dreaming about the perfect backing fabric, namely one of Leslie’s drop cloths (which she also cuts and offers on her site as artwork). I bugged her about buying one more times than I should have, and even though she said the fabric she uses for a drop cloth wouldn’t be cozy or soft for a quilt back, I still couldn’t get it out of my head. I probably should have stopped, but really, I was pretty obsessed. And finally Leslie agreed to do her last printing in her old studio using a softer piece of cloth for the drop cloth.


It was even better than I imagined, and when I received it I spent lots of time studying it and photographing it.


I just love all these overlapping images!


And now this quilt is truly two sided! I can’t thank Leslie enough for this gorgeous backing for my quilt!


But wait! Leslie has a little something for you too. She’s selected these 5 panels for one lucky winner (they happen to be some of my favorites as well!).


Leave a comment here and I’ll select a winner on Thursday. This giveaway is open to all. Please, one comment per person. (Don’t worry if you don’t see your comment immediately – it may need to be approved on my end and I’ll go through and do that periodically.)

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UPDATE: A winner has been selected! has selected #487, Jackie Carpenter, who said “I’m so glad you got that quilt back- it is out of this world and spot-on, just-right for this quilt! Well done. Inspiring!”

Thanks to all for your wonderful comments and for taking the time to leave a comment. A big congrats to Jackie – I hope you’ll love these beautiful Maze & Vale panels!


A huge thank you to Leslie for creating such gorgeous fabrics, and for being so generous!


Posted in [search] Square-in-Square Quilts, Fabric, Posts about Quilts, Quilts | Tagged , , , , , , | 563 Comments