another fabric stack…


I’m more than a little obsessed with this stack. I don’t know if it’s all the fun florals, or if it’s the jewel tones or what, but I wish I had the time to drop everything else and turn it into a quilt!


I can imagine it done, and can imagine burying my head under the covers on a snowy winter day for a nice midday nap (ha, as if!).


Until that time comes, I’ve put these all away together in a box. I hope that keeping them all together will mean they will actually become that quilt I’m dreaming of!

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double rainbow


While cutting squares for the on point catnap rainbow quilt (clearly lacking a catchy name!) I decided to cut an extra smaller square or two for a second quilt. Cut once, quilt twice, or something like that (cut once, make two quilts? ah, who knows!).


I thought it might be fun to see how the two quilts might vary, even though they used the same fabrics. While the first quilt uses larger squares on point, just one square of each print and only the pink solid in the sashing, the simple charm square quilt uses 5″ squares, mostly 2 squares of each print, and a range of complementary solids.


I’ve made many simple patchwork quilts like this one, but I don’t think I’ve ever grouped colors like this – most often I’m trying to evenly disperse both the colors and prints, so it felt a little strange to lay it out like this. But happily, I quite like the end result!


I know this is a simple quilt, but sometimes, especially now that my quilting time is limited (hello, non-napping baby!), I enjoy just having a chance to sew fabrics together.


(Again, fabrics include the full range of Lizzy House’s newest line, Catnap, along with a rainbow of other basics and solids from a variety of designers. My previous post includes links for shops selling Catnap.)

Posted in Fabric, Posts about Quilts | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 11 Comments

a catnap rainbow quilt top


It was certainly a chilly, gray day for quilt photos, but I think this bright quilt warms it all up. In photos anyway. In real life it was mighty cold! I have been pretty excited about Lizzy House’s new line, Catnap, and when it arrived arranged so nicely in rainbow order from Westwood Acres, I couldn’t resist running with that rainbow idea. I added in a bunch of other rainbow basics for a total of 72 unique prints.


I knew from the outset that I wanted to set the squares on point and to sash it in hot pink. I pulled out a couple pink solids, and when I asked Morgan for his opinion, he thought I should use both. I decided to go with it, using fuchsia for the majority of the quilt, with a corner of raspberry.


And interestingly enough, I only had enough of the fuchsia for this portion of the quilt, so even if it hadn’t been a choice from the beginning, I probably would have decided to substitute another pink to finish the quilt top!


Lizzy’s Catnap is such a fun line, and even though I’m sorta indifferent about cats (I probably shouldn’t say that here, huh? I don’t dislike cats – in fact, I quite like them when I see them, but I just don’t necessarily want to have one. Though that probably has more to do with the fact that I don’t want to be responsible for feeding anyone else!), I’m quite in love with this entire line.


So much so that I couldn’t stop at just one quilt! Next week I’ll show you the second rainbow quilt I made out of these fabrics.


(my quilt photo helper, obviously not bothered by the cold!)

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Oh, one more thing! Over the last couple days I’ve been destashing some harder to find fabrics – it really is time to pare down to just those fabrics I can actually see myself sewing with – and you can find some still available here in my shop. (If you want advance notice for these destash sales, I usually post it on Instagram.)


Posted in Fabric, Posts about Quilts | Tagged , , , , , | 12 Comments