modern quilters in new england?

Have you had a chance to read about the Modern Quilting Guilds popping up around the country? Alissa started the Los Angeles Modern Quilt Guild last year, which was immediately quite a success, and since then there have been new branches starting in many different areas. You can check the Modern Quilt Guild site to see if there’s a branch near you (and if not, you can find information about starting one!)

I’m pleased to report that there’s even a New England branch! And we’d love for you to join! (you can sign up here). Monet is doing a great job setting it all up and adding links to quilting/fabric shops in each state. I really hope there will be a lot of interest so we can get things going and have some quilty fun of our own!


(it’s not a post without a picture, right? Polka dots from Fabricworm… right at home in Morgan’s old baby chair)

Oh, and also, I was nominated I nominated myself (they actually encouraged it!) for a Poppy through the Poppytalk Handmade Awards event. It’s time for voting, so if you’re interested, you can head over here to see the other nominees and to place a vote. Maybe you’ll throw a vote my way? (unless of course you’re appalled that I nominated myself!!)

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a sprinkling of hexagons, flea market fancy style


Nice gray weather, right? These blah gray days make me dislike Vermont in the winter. Plus, it makes it awfully hard to get a decent photo!

Anyway, the quilt…these half hexagons have been waiting to be sewn into a quilt for some time now! I cut them all many, many months ago, and then they sat in a box forever. After the design wall was hung, I put a few up, just for something nice to look at, and they’ve been there since.

I had big plans at one point, but finally I had to admit to myself that I just wasn’t going to get around to it. So instead, I went with an old favorite… I used a similar design for the original Sprinkling of Hexagons, and it remains one of my very favorites. For this one, I used the Flea Market Fancy prints for the hexagons, on a background of solid white. The actual sprinkling of hexagons goes across the lower section of this quilt, with just a few hexagons in the upper corner.


It’s backed with one of my favorite green prints from the Flea Market Fancy line


and bound with Kona Coal, which really looks great with this fabric.


This one measures in at about 37″ x 45″, so a nice baby quilt size, or a perfect size for a nice wall hanging. It is now listed in the shop.

Posted in [search] Wonky/Improv Quilts, 2010 Finished Quilts, Finished Quilts, Posts about Quilts, Quilts | Tagged , , , , , , | 18 Comments

craft hope for haiti


I’m sure many of you have read about Craft Hope for Haiti by now, but if not, please head over to their site to read all about it. In a matter of days, they have put together an Etsy shop and have received a huge number of donated handmade crafts and other supplies. All the proceeds from the sale of these items go directly to Doctors Without Borders.

It makes me so happy to be able to help in this way. The quilt I donated sold quickly – thank you! and I’ve now decided to dip into my Heather Ross stash and donate these fabulous fabrics. They’ll be listed soon, in case any of you are interested!


You can help too! They are still accepting donations of handmade crafts and supplies – information on how to donate can be found here. Not so crafty? Consider stopping by to shop – there are pages of fabulous items, with additional items being listed all the time.

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