I’m on a boat (with a quilt)

A trip across the lake for ice cream… you’d bring your quilt, right?

Of course!


I finished up the binding while on the boat (not recommended! the waves and the speed tend to hinder progress) and so of course had to take the opportunity to get a couple shots while in this tiny little town.


I bought 1/4 yard cuts of most of the prints, and then used squares that were 4.5″ for this patchwork quilt (that way I have enough for a second quilt, should I be so inclined!).


Since some of the prints are a larger scale print, I did have to cut right through the designs, but I think it’s ok in this type of patchwork – it’s kind of fun to see a slightly different little picture in each of the squares.


The back is predominantly pink, with several of the extra squares from the front. I was most pleased that the quilting lines actually go through the diagonal on the squares on the back as well (this of course was not skill, just pure luck!).


It’s now been washed and dried and measures 46″ x 52″. Many of you asked about quilting with this fabric since it’s a linen/cotton blend – I found it to be quite similar to the Etsuko Furuya Echino fabrics – it’s a nice weight, not too heavy, and I think it gives the quilt a great weight & feel. Since it’s made of a linen blend, it’s not as soft as a regular quilting weight cotton, but I enjoy the texture the linen provides, and I imagine that it would continue to soften up with use and with additional washes.

This quilt will be listed in the shop shortly! Sold, thank you!



Solid colors used in this quilt –

Konas – Sage, Woodrose, Eggplant, Petal, Stone

Robert Kaufman Essex cotton/linen blend – Natural, Putty

Moda Bella – Pistachio, Mist

(I don’t know the color name for the solid orange though I believe it was a P & B Textile solid.)

Posted in [search] Charm Quilts, 2010 Finished Quilts, Finished Quilts, Posts about Quilts, Quilts | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 35 Comments

tufted tweets in the kitchen!

Our kitchen is pretty neutral, so I try to add color with kitchen towels. And what’s brighter or more fun than Laurie’s new Tufted Tweets fabrics?!


I used two of the prints to make a couple new sets. Each is backed with flour sack towels, and paired with a little vintage cotton rick rack around the edges.


In our kitchen these towels do a double duty. Sometimes they act as hand towels, hanging on the over door (and adding a little color!)-


and sometimes they end up over here in this spot next to the sink where we pile the just-washed dishes. This size fits there pretty perfectly, and I like seeing something pretty while doing a chore I dislike!


And then, since I had already been working on some Tufted Tweets hexagons, I kept on with the kitchen theme and turned them into a couple cute potholders.


I hope Laurie likes Tufted Tweets in her kitchen too, because these potholders will soon be headed her way. It seems only appropriate, since they have her name on them!




You can find a tutorial for rick rack napkins here. The dishtowels are made exactly the same – just larger! Mine measure about 20″ x 24″, but you could make them whatever size works best for you!

For the potholders, I used 1 layer of Insul-brite and 1 layer of cotton batting

Posted in Household Goods | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 40 Comments

far far away II patchwork

Just because.


I bet you knew I wouldn’t be able to resist…

Posted in Posts about Quilts | Tagged , , , , , | 17 Comments