fabric play

Max may not closely resemble me,

but he does seem to share my love of fabrics!

(and he’s got good tastes!)

Posted in baby, Fabric | 28 Comments

Max’s summer wardrobe

I usually get the urge to make myself a few summer pieces, but this year it was all about Max! What baby couldn’t benefit from a few new pairs of shorts and pants? (especially a baby who goes through several outfits a day)

Plus, it’s certainly easier to make baby clothes, and it requires a lot less fabric! (though that may mean that you can talk yourself into “just one more pair!”, as is the case here)

I started out making him a couple pairs of shorts. I traced a pair he already owned that fit well.

I’ve been collecting Lilly Pulitzer fabrics for a long time now (maybe someday I’ll make a Lilly quilt!) – while most of those prints are pretty girly, I found a couple in my stash that work for Max.

And then, because I couldn’t resist, I made up a third pair out of this cute print I swapped for ages ago. Aren’t those little frogs cute? Rae just used some on one of her cute Charlie tunics (on my list to make once Max gets a little bigger).

After making several pairs of shorts, I thought he should really have some pants too… I used the same pattern I had traced and just extended the length.

This cute Heather Ross tadpole pair got a cute green trim at the bottom

As soon as I saw the new Heather Ross line, Far Far Away 3, I knew that I wanted to see that laundry print as pants! The lightweight linen/cotton blend is wonderful as pants, and I think they just keep getting softer with each wash. I think I actually woke up this morning thinking about how I’d like PJs out of this print (but it probably won’t happen, as I’d need a whole lot more fabric!)

For this pair, I added a cuff in a coordinating solid, which I hope will mean he can wear them a bit longer.

I did the same for this last pair – made out of this fun print, Swedish Forest, which is a great print from Jennifer Moore’s Anika line. I think this is it for now, but I’m sure that once he grows out of these, I’m sure you’ll see me making up a few new pairs!!

Posted in baby, Clothing | Tagged , , , , , , , | 27 Comments

a quilt in jewel tones

It’s been quite hot here recently. Too hot for quilting, in fact. (And obviously too hot for blogging too!). Instead, I’ve been hanging out under the ceiling fan and cooling myself off with iced coffees. I made my own following this recipe that Erin linked to recently, and it’s good! Will definitely be making more once this batch is gone!

So instead of finishing up any of those older quilts, I decided to start a new one. Slowly piecing a few blocks doesn’t make me quite as hot as the thought of actually quilting a quilt. This pile of fabrics has been shelved since I showed them here. At the time, I thought they’d make a great winter quilt, what with all those darker jewel tones. I clearly didn’t get it done in time for last winter, so perhaps this winter?

In addition to the previously pulled stack of reds and purples, I pulled out some corresponding solids in the same colors

Then did a little editing and ended up with this pile (I couldn’t decide about that floral one in the center, which is why it’s off by itself. I’m thinking I’ll skip it…)

And now I’ve started making up some improv blocks. I’m going with simple blocks and cutting them down to 8″ square. We’ll see where it goes from here!

Posted in Fabric, Posts about Quilts, Quilt Blocks | Tagged , , , , , | 39 Comments