monaco, baby!

It seems as though I started this quilt quite a while ago, and indeed, when I just looked back to find the original post (which is yes, titled exactly the same – I’m not feeling creative this morning!), I see that it was almost an entire year ago!

The fact that it took me so long to finish has more to do with the fact that this was one of those tops that ended up in the closet waiting for a backing. I was going to purchase yardage of the scooters, but never got around to it, and then when I pulled it out again recently, I realized that I had some pretty good sized chunks of each print left over and decided to use these large pieces for the backing instead. I love how it turned out, and I love that I was able to use up nearly every scrap of each fat quarter!

These lovely prints are from the Monaco line by Jennifer Moore of Monaluna. I think they’re great fun, and I love this color palette for either a boy or a girl. And on top of that, it’s made of 100% organic cotton. (As a side note, Jennifer also has a couple new organic lines out since this one – Marin and Anika. I’m looking forward to showing you a cute pair of baby pants made out of one of the prints from the Anika line!)

I had a fat quarter of each of these prints and decided to go with an old favorite – my spotted squares quilt design.

I meandered this one (which was fun because I hadn’t done it in forever!) and used a darker teal for the binding. It makes a wonderful baby/toddler quilt for either a girl or a boy, and is listed in the shop now!

Posted in [search] Square-in-Square Quilts, baby, Posts about Quilts, Quilts | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 19 Comments

a weekend of firsts…

What a great holiday weekend! The sun was out and we had a chance to spend much of the weekend at the beach.

Max enjoyed his first weekend at the lake

relaxing on the picnic quilt

his first taste of Lake Champlain

first time hanging out with new cousins

Additionally, though not pictured… first fireworks, first boat ride, first real giggles, and last night – first time sleeping through the night, which I’m sure was just a fluke, but it certainly was nice!

I also got this little quilt finished up for my cousin’s new baby, Jackson. This is a quilt you’ve seen here before, but it’s one of my favorites and I think it’s a perfect one for a modern little baby boy! I hope it will be well loved!

Hope you all had lovely weekends as well!

Posted in baby | 31 Comments

12 weeks

I apologize in advance for inundating you with all these photos this week, but I was hard pressed to pick a favorite. So instead I figured I’d post them all! I’ll probably stop posting weekly photos now that Max has reached 12 weeks, but you can be sure that there will be many shots of him posing with quilts – and hopefully some photos soon of him modeling his new shorts (which I just can’t stop making!)

But anyway…

a little tummy time – not his favorite, though it does make it that much easier for him to get his thumb (or his whole fist!) in his mouth…

a cute father/son photo… complete with a bit of a crazy outfit!

we call this his evil smile – he gets his nose all wrinkled up and that look in his eye… we may be in for trouble in the future!

and lastly, the true 12 week photo, taken this morning right after his bath. Cute baby.

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The binding is done on one quilt – one to go. Hopefully there will be photos after the long weekend! Have a happy 4th!

Posted in baby | 48 Comments