fall cross quilt

I pulled together this stack recently. My intent was to put together something for Fall, but after putting it together, it felt quite spring-y to me, what with all the roses and the spring-like greens and yellows. But as it turns out, after sewing it up — totally fall-like!

To be precise, this reminds me of the very beginning of Fall, when the bright green leaves start to transition, and the grass is still quite green.

I set out to take photos of this quilt with those bright green leaves with just a tinge of yellow, but alas, I failed to charge the camera battery (darn you, camera that needs charging just when I’m about to take the perfect photo!). Anyway, then we had what felt like nineteen days of rain, and now most of those nice leaves have fallen, which luckily still makes for a nice photo…

I think if I had added in a lot of white/off white, this quilt would be reading more spring like, but since I added in a few extra brown solids instead, it really is reminiscent of fall. I went with wonky crosses, which I’ve made previously, though I played around with the fabrics for the crosses and backgrounds this time.

I cut these blocks to 6.75″ (random, yes!), and when I found myself a bit short, just added in an extra strip of fabric as necessary. It adds that bit of randomness that I like so much!

Just waiting on a backing solid for this one, but I’m definitely itching to get this finished before all those leaves fall!

(a somewhat patient Max watching the birds while I snap some photos!)

Posted in baby, Fabric, Posts about Quilts | Tagged , , , , , | 26 Comments

rainbow scraps quilt

Like so many of us, I use a lot of fabric, and consequently end up with a lot of scraps. I used to try to be good about using them, but lately I’ve just been dumping them all into a huge plastic storage tub and ignoring them. Well, when I no longer could close that tub, and when Max found it fun to go diving into said tub, I decided it might be time to work on a couple scrap quilts.

I had plans for a plus quilt using scraps, though it looked nothing like this one. Then I made up my section for Monica’s traveling quilt, and loved the look of those little rainbow plusses and knew I just had to make up a mini for myself.

And can I just tell you how fun it is to see all those little scraps put to use? So much better than stuffed into a bin!

I used up the remaining rainbow squares for a backing, and I like it equally as much as the front. For a minute I considered making it a separate quilt, but I think instead this will just be a lovely reversible rainbow mini.

But how to quilt it? I keep thinking about it, but honestly I have no idea. You?

Posted in baby, Fabric, Posts about Quilts | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 35 Comments

and more striped quilts…

So I told you I was going to show you another quilt using this simple design – how about two? I love this stripe from Lotta Jansdotter’s newest collection, Bella, and thought it might be a perfect stripe to use with this design. I love that the stripes are a bit irregular, and I really love it in this charcoal color.

One of my good friends recently had twin boys, so I paired that gray and white stripe with some solids in green and blue for the bottom portion, and with the opposite color for the middle stripe (matching, but hopefully not too matchy?)

I think they look quite nice together!

They each got some super soft Heather Ross Mendocino fish for the backing, and a fun binding

I had fun with a little more straight line quilting – single lines about 3/4″ apart for one, and a little twist on that for the second.

I hope these two new little boys will spend lots of time hanging out on these quilts!

Posted in [search] Strip Quilts, baby, Fabric, Posts about Quilts | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 25 Comments