happy valentine’s day!


Happy Valentine’s day! I couldn’t resist making up a little red and pink quilt for the occasion. These solid triangles were some I cut ages ago (I cut a bunch of Kona and Cotton Couture solids in a variety of colors, though I don’t remember now what I was going to make!). I pulled out all the reds, pinks and oranges and had just enough for a baby sized quilt.


My trusty sewing machine seems to be acting up, despite getting it a tune up last week, so quilting it was a challenge, and certainly not my best work (also? I did a pretty poor job basting this one, so perhaps I should blame myself and not the machine!). I hate to think it might be time for a new machine, but seems that may be so. This one certainly has gotten a lot of use!


I was a little bummed when I finished it (I had used a big chunk of a favorite Umbrella Prints fabric on the backing, and was sad that the quilt didn’t turn out quite as I had hoped) so I just grabbed the first solid out of my solid bin for binding, which happened to be this acid-y yellow. In the dark last night it was hard to tell if it was an ok choice, but I’m pleased to see in the light of day that it actually gives this little quilt a fun pop of color!


Posted in baby, Fabric, Posts about Quilts, Quilts | Tagged , , , , | 14 Comments

an open wide zip pouch set


Have you made any of these yet? The pattern, of course, is Anna Graham’s Open Wide  Zipper Pouch, and I’ve made a number of these little bags since she posted her free tutorial (though in looking back, it looks like I’ve failed to blog even one of them). It seems that as soon as I finish one, I turn my back and next thing I know, it’s holding matchbox cars, pretend food, or any number of other little toys. Max is certainly a big fan of the open wide zip pouch!


I made this set for our family Christmas gift swap – I was hoping I might end up with them, but no such luck! I loved Anna’s set here, and since I had some similar Umbrella Prints scraps here, I pretty much copied hers. (Hopefully she’ll be flattered?)


Anyway, if you haven’t yet tried this pattern, go make a few! It’s quite a satisfying sew, and so useful!


Posted in Fabric, Household Sewing - bags, napkins, pillows | Tagged , , , , , , | 8 Comments

7 months


Can we freeze time now?




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