new quilts in the shop!

One problem with making, and wanting to keep, so many quilts is that there comes a point where you just can’t use them all. And despite thinking that I should save some to use as gifts, I inevitably end up making something new when the time comes for a gift.

In an ongoing attempt to clear out and de-clutter our house (so as to not end up on Hoarders!), I’ve decided to list a few additional quilts that originally I wasn’t sure I wanted to part with. Here’s hoping that someone out there will give them a new home where they will actually be used and loved!

They’re listed in the shop now. There are also a couple I’m selling as ‘seconds’ (not as perfect as I’d like them to be) and I’m also having a sale on several that are already in the shop.

Posted in General, Posts about Quilts | Tagged , , | 8 Comments

scenes from a weekend

A sunny Saturday at a local orchard –

picking pears, plums and apples

a not so sunny Sunday spent moving furniture out of a room that’s finally getting new carpet –

(ugh, what a mess!)

a bit of organizing (a little bit of organization amidst chaos!) –

and a tiny bit of sewing –

(a late August block for Kate for the Bee Imaginative quilting bee. Kate’s making a modified bento box quilt using these great Liberty prints paired with lots of lovely blues and grays. Can’t wait to see it!)

Hope your weekend was lovely!

Posted in General | 10 Comments

more tufted tweets!

Another finish! (It’s about time I got some of those quilt tops sandwiched and quilted, right? I just wish I enjoyed that basting step more…)

Anyway, you might remember this quilt top from a week or two ago. As I mentioned at that time, these blocks were actually sitting around for a while. I unearthed them during a bit of cleaning, and was happy to have done so since it made for a fun little quilt. And since I had already done all the work of making the blocks a few months ago, it was a nice fast project! (love that!)

I hadn’t yet had a chance to make a quilt that mixed up all the colors of Laurie Wisbrun’s Tufted Tweets line. I just love the bold bright colors in this line and I think they look fabulous together. And I’m especially loving it paired with the Kona medium gray with a little touch of white.

The backing is pretty simple – just one large strip of one of my favorite prints, the Avian Therapy in orchid. I echoed the design from the front by bordering the printed fabric with a thin stripe of white and then bordered that in the gray.

It took me a while to decide on the quilting – I knew I wanted to go with straight lines, and I knew I wanted it to be something that would give a bit of interest to those larger open gray squares. In the end I went with concentric squares in the open gray sections and I used straight lines about a 1/2″ apart through the printed sections. I used a cream colored thread so the quilting would be noticeable through the gray sections, but not so much in the printed sections so as not to take away from the fun prints. I used a washable marker to draw on all the quilting lines ahead of time.

As Alissa just mentioned, this is the type of quilting that I wish I could do on larger quilts, but unfortunately, I agree with Alissa – I just don’t find it doable on my regular size sewing machine. So for now I take the opportunity to do more straight line quilting on baby-sized or smaller quilts.

This quilt measures about 40″ square and I think this would make a great playmat or a really fun wall hanging. It’s listed in the shop!

Posted in [search] String Quilts, 2010 Finished Quilts, Finished Quilts, Posts about Quilts, Quilts | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 28 Comments