(some of the) kitchen quilts


Well, the kitchen renovation has been finished for some time now, but these quilts? Not so much. You might remember how Morgan jokingly suggested that I make 200 quilts to pay for our kitchen renovation.


I made 5 tops in fun combinations of Liberty of London and coordinating prints and solids and then ran out of steam. While I love making these quilts, I’m not cut out for making the same thing over and over.


I did finish up these three quilts a while back. The date stamp on these photos tells me that I took them at the end of July and look, I’m only just now getting around to blogging about these quilts.


I actually still need to get decent individual photos of them, so they’re still not ready to be listed for sale, but hopefully soon!



Posted in [search] Charm Quilts, Finished Quilts, Posts about Quilts, Quilts | Tagged , , , , | 11 Comments

split angles quilt


Oh my! Look at this – a finished quilt! The start of Kindergarten for Max and preschool for Hazel has provided me with two mornings a week with just Henry. It’s a strange thing being at home with just one, especially one who naps all morning. I found myself wandering around the house doing nothing, then snapped to and decided finishing an older quilt would be top priority.


It helps that I had already purchased backing for this quilt while at Nido recently. I love this Cotton + Steel print from Alexia’s latest, Print Shop. It’s a great shade of yellow, and printed on unbleached cotton, which seems to lend it a softness that I really like.


The top is a mix of all the Cotton + Steel prints I had on hand at the time. I love me a triangle quilt, and think this one with the split prints in the triangles is kind of fun. Plus, I’m a big fan of that polka dot which makes up the remaining triangles. It was also a good way to use up some smaller pieces of these prints – also a win.


I quilted straight lines on either sides of the seams. Sometimes I feel like it would be nice to be more creative and do something more intricate with the quilting, but when I really think about it, the quilts I like best are quilted pretty simply. And since I don’t have tons of quilting time these days, simpler is better. (That being said, I’m quite looking forward to taking a look at Jacquie Gering’s upcoming book, Walk, as I’d love a few ideas to step up my quilting!)


Hazel spent some time laying under this quilt while I was hand sewing the binding and she’s decided it should be hers. Interestingly enough, I finished it because I was kind of jealous of hers (which is quite similar, and can be seen here). It’s slightly weird to be jealous of a quilt that I made myself, but there you have it. So far I’m hanging on to this one, but we’ll see how long that lasts!

Posted in [search] Other Quilts, Fabric, Finished Quilts, Posts about Quilts, Quilts | Tagged , , , | 16 Comments

August in a quilt top


Ah, the end of summer. I both hate to see it come, yet enjoy the change of seasons, all at the same time. This year feels like it brings a bigger change as Max will be heading off to Kindergarten (what? how did that happen so fast?). I enjoy the thought of getting a bit more time for sewing, but we’ll see how that goes. I have big plans to get unfinished quilts done, so hopefully it’ll actually happen!


But this quilt. This one wasn’t one I was planning, which makes it all the better. As I mentioned, I enjoyed getting the chance to pick a bundle for the Stash Fabrics Design Star club. As a bonus, I received this bundle in the mail (thank you, Stash Fabrics!), and felt that since it was the bundle for August, I should do my best to sew up a quilt top before the end of the month.


I decided on this simple, yet fun design which pairs a square in square block with a plain square of fabric, sewn like a half square triangle (clear? wait, what? quick tutorial if you’d like…). I swear there was something I saw online that triggered this idea, but I’ve spent a while looking and can’t seem to find the inspiration… if you’ve seen it, let me know – I’d love to credit! (As an aside, anyone have any experience with memory loss after children? Mine’s not coming back, and it’s bad!!)

Edited to add: I found it! (inspiration photo here) I knew I would if I looked long enough! Interestingly enough, the colors even match those I used for this quilt (I didn’t remember that being the case – kinda funny!)


I played around with the design for a while – having the little inner triangles face various different directions, and playing with the colors – and ultimately decided I liked the randomness of this layout. I cheated and added a couple extra solids to get this up to a larger size, but for the most part this is just the fabrics included in the fat quarter bundle.


I already ordered the perfect backing (here, in case you’re wondering), and look forward to getting this one finished!

Posted in Fabric, Posts about Quilts | Tagged , , , , , | 27 Comments