solids, sans gingham…


I feel like I say this often, but here it is again – this is another quilt that I didn’t actually set out to make. I have a number of quilts to finish, and a list of quilts I want to make, but sometimes I feel the pull of something that’s not even on the list.


Such is the case here. After purchasing a bundle of Cotton + Steel’s new ginghams, I pulled out a bunch of coordinating solids – I made a few half square triangles with the ginghams and solids and wasn’t really loving it. I was into those solids though, so decided to move ahead with some hsts out of solids. I added in a few additional fall-like colors and, inspired by a quilt from Bold Expressions, started making and trimming hsts.


The quilt I’m inspired by is made up of hsts with similar squares grouped together. It also uses hsts in varying sizes, so they don’t always line up. I love that look, but after making blocks in a variety of sizes and trying to fit them together, I found that I preferred keeping my blocks all one size.


I couldn’t let the smaller blocks go to waste though, so I’ve added in a section along the bottom and a strip along one side with the smaller blocks.


Those two gingham blocks? A little nod to the original inspiration!


Posted in [search] HST Quilts, Fabric, Posts about Quilts, Quilts | Tagged , , , , , | 12 Comments

Henry – months 7 & 8

These months are speeding by! I can’t even seem to get photos taken in time, let alone get them up on the blog!

Seven months –

(Lotta Jansdotter quilt)


(Liberty churn dash quilt)

8 months –

(Cotton + Steel split angles quilt)



(ha! so hard to get a real smile out of Hazel!) (Photos of this new quilt coming this week!)

Henry continues to be the funniest, sweetest, easiest baby. He’s easily entertained and finds his siblings, Max especially, to be hilarious. Unlike the other two, who weren’t interested in walking until after they were 1, this guy is dying to walk now. He can crawl, but would so rather spend all day long walking through the house holding my hands. I look forward to seeing how soon he’ll actually start walking on his own!

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august quilt in september


Despite not getting this one completed in August, I’m still calling it the August quilt. I selected these fabrics for Stash Fabrics Design Star fabric bundle club and it went out as August’s bundle to those signed up. I decided to immediately cut mine up and came up with this little design.



I was excited to find that this beautiful Monaluna print contains similar colors and ordered some for the backing. It’s available in both poplin and lawn – I opted for the lawn, as I love how it feels as a quilt back.


I quilted it with offset concentric squares, and am really pleased at how it turned out. I particularly like how the quilting shows up on the backing.


We took a little trip to a local apple orchard this past weekend for some honeycrisp apples, concord grapes and cider donuts (and a quick photo shoot for this quilt!). The kids aren’t so thrilled these days when I suggest a trip to take quilt photos, but luckily they can still be bribed…cider donuts to the rescue!

mmm…cider donuts!


I bound it with a navy sprinkle print which I found in my stash and was the perfect finishing touch.


Hazel’s already claimed this quilt, but was too distracted by the wagon and apples to pose for a photo. Good thing this guy is always ready to jump in front of the camera!


Thanks, Stash Fabrics, for the opportunity to select a fabric bundle! You can no longer purchase this bundle, but there’s still time to sign up for the club — there are many great bundles still to come!


Posted in Fabric, Posts about Quilts, Quilts | Tagged , , , , | 14 Comments