quilts for sale!


It’s been noted that we may have too many quilts in our house (what?!). So many of the quilts I make have never been used – some haven’t even had their first washing! – and despite the fact that I’d like to keep them all, even I can admit that it would be far nicer if they were being used and loved.


So I’ve pulled out a stack to sell and have listed them over on my IG destash account (fitfdestash). Perhaps you need a nice warm quilt for the coming winter? Or perhaps you’re already thinking about gifts and wanting to check one or two off your list? I would love it if you’d take a look and would certainly love it if you’d like to give one a new home!


You can purchase on IG simply by leaving your paypal address (I’d recommend spelling out ‘at’ rather than using the @ symbol, as IG seems to be deleting comments that just consist of an email address), or you can simply email me (ashley@filminthefridge.com) and I can send you an invoice. I’ve tried to take a few photos of each quilt, but you can also find additional photos of each quilt on my blog, or I’m happy to take additional photos for you if you’d like. Thanks in advance for taking a look and helping me make some space in our house!

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new pillows!


Recovering our pillows has been on my list for far too long. Somehow it always gets pushed down the list in favor of a new quilt (or new Linden sweatshirt, if I’m being honest!). The other day a neighbor and friend asked for a little lesson on making zippered pillow covers and I thought I had best brush up on my skills before attempting to teach someone else.


Thanks to this, pillow covers got moved to the top of my list and before I knew it, I had 7 pretty new pillows!


At first I was just going to make one practice pillow, so I pulled out some Rifle Paper fabric. Then once I decided to keep going, I gathered some other favorite prints – some more of the Rifle Paper florals, a Skinny LaMinx panel I purchased ages ago at Nido,


some of my favorite Umbrella Prints hearts, and a great handprinted panel from Spin Spin.


I made my own piping for each and inserted an invisible zipper along one side. I read a few pillow tutorials to make sure I was going about it correctly, and ended up mostly following this tutorial by Jona Giammalva.


I love her tip on using a zipper 4″ longer than your pillow (no trying to sew around that pesky zipper pull!), and was surprisingly pleased at how well glue basting worked here. I used it to hold the zipper tape in place and then used it while sewing the two sides of the pillows together. I think it really helped make this a nearly frustration-free project!

(seriously, mom?)

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vintage chambray top


I love yard sales, and despite not actually needing anything, I can’t resist stopping to browse. This summer I stopped at one sale and in the midst of a bunch of junk, I found a trunk filled with cheap fabric and then a handful of these vintage patchwork blocks at the very bottom. For $2 for the bunch, I certainly couldn’t not bring them home.


These patchwork blocks are hand sewn and made up of stripes, checks, ginghams and other tiny prints (plus that one red solid!). There’s some discoloration and staining, but I kinda like it that way.


There were a total of 10 blocks, though two were falling apart and slightly different in feel. I used the remaining 8 and paired them with a few chambrays and stripes I had on hand to make this large checkerboard section. I wasn’t sure how to enlarge it, so set it aside for a while. The other day I decided to embrace the ‘make use of what you have’ feeling that I get from these blocks (many of those tiny squares are pieced together), and pulled out the rest of my chambrays to see how I could piece them together to get this quilt up to size.


I’m pretty happy with how it turned out and am so pleased that these patchwork blocks finally found their way into a quilt!



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