baby plusses

This little baby quilt is made up out of fun prints from the most recent line from Monaluna, Taali. This is another color combo I might not have considered, but I love it! I think it’s bright and cheery, and wonderfully appropriate for either a boy or girl (and who can resist those cute sheep?!)

I went smaller in size on this one, in the hopes that the smaller size will mean I’ll actually get a chance to quilt it! (I have quite the stack going of quilts that need quilting… so many in fact that I finally decided to send one out to be quilted. It’ll be the first time I’ve sent one to be quilted, so I’m kind of excited!) Anyway, yesterday I managed to finish the backing, so now I’ll just be waiting for a long nap from Max to get a start on the quilting!

Posted in Fabric, Posts about Quilts | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 23 Comments

circa 52 stripes

Just a quick and easy strip quilt! I’ve been hanging onto this great fat quarter stack of the newish line by Monaluna for Birch Fabrics, Circa 52, for a while, and I’m happy to have come up with a fun way to use them.

These prints are so cute (and organic, which makes me love them even more!). I love the trees, and especially that cute forest print with the fox and bunting.

I wasn’t quite sure what other fabrics to pair with these prints, but after pulling out and auditioning many options, I was surprisingly pleased with these calming colors paired with a little bit of hot pink.

With Max crawling around and into almost everything, I needed something quick and easy, and this was just the ticket. I went with stripes, limiting myself to just 2″, 3″ and 4″ wide strips. I staggered the lengths, and alternated the widths of the strips as I went along. As a happy accident, a few of my strips ended up not quite long enough, so at the end I added a few vertical pieces to add to the length.

This quilt makes me very happy – I love the simple look, and I’m loving these colors, along with the variety of fun prints!

Posted in baby, Posts about Quilts | Tagged , , , , , , , | 31 Comments

feeling swoony this weekend

Oh boy, I love this pattern! So much so that I bought the pattern several months ago as soon as I started seeing quilts made from this pattern. (Of course, then I failed to actually make any of the blocks…)

And that’s why I was so happy when Katy started the Swoon along. Apparently it was just the push I needed! After I found my pattern (someone needs to clean their sewing space!), I debated about fabric choices, but ultimately decided to go with my old standby (a favorite for years now!), Flea Market Fancy.

These blocks are large!, finishing just under 25″, so each takes a bit of time to complete, but somehow I find it to be so satisfying. I’m really excited about the 4 I’ve completed so far!

Want to join the Swoon-along? Be sure to check out the Swoon-along Flickr group for helpful info and of course, lots of photos of gorgeous blocks!



Posted in Posts about Quilts, Quilt Blocks | Tagged , , , , , , | 41 Comments