I’m so excited to show you this finished quilt. It’s a simple design, these patchwork squares, but I’m always so happy with them when they’re finished.
I’m quite in love with the color combo on this one – some neutral Essex linens, aquas, greens, browns and a bit of greenish yellow, all picked to coordinate with the fabulous Melody Miller typewriter print that I wanted to feature.
These are 6″ squares, because the Melody Miller print is perfect for fussy cutting squares of that size. I’m particularly happy that you don’t lose any of the typewriters when fussy cutting – I managed to cut all of the typewriter squares in this quilt from a half yard of fabric.
I decided to quilt it with those same circles that I showed on my Brrr! mini quilt. I like the idea of a circle within each patchwork square, and I think the circles are perfect here, what with all the polka dots, the Laurie Wisbrun Modern Whimsy circle print and even the circular typewriter keys.
I drew each circle with a washable marker, tracing the top of a small cereal bowl (it would have been perfect if the bowl had been just a bit bigger, but I was a little too impatient to find something the exact right size…). I sewed each row in a figure 8 pattern using my walking foot. It was slow going on a quilt this size, but I’m really happy with how it turned out.
For a little extra interest, and because my box of Anna Maria Horner pearl cottons paired so well with these colors, I added a bit of hand stitching randomly throughout the quilt. Just a little something to make me smile when I’m snuggled underneath this one!
The backing is some Essex linen, along with some Kona Stone (when I ran out of the Essex!) and a few other strips and chunks of fabrics left over. I particularly love that little strip of love letters!
And how about a little behind-the-scenes photo of my favorite quilt holder-upper?! Morgan certainly deserves extra thanks for this one, since finding a location I deemed appropriate took quite a bit of driving, and then it required him to stand out in the 10 degree weather…
Anyway, this quilt has already been getting some use, most recently as the backdrop for Max’s 10 month photos… 10 months already!