Bloomerie Fabrics giveaway!

Happy Friday! Today I have a great giveaway for you, thanks to Bloomerie Fabrics!

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Jess and Donna are the daughter and mother team behind this great shop. They stock many great fabric lines, lovely handpicked bundles, corresponding solids, books, patterns and notions.

(all photos courtesy of Bloomerie Fabrics)

I love the look of their shop – it’s clean, bright and easy to navigate, and they take beautiful photos of their fabric bundles. You can search by  manufacturer, designer, collection and even color.


You can check the New tab to easily see the new products, including Jeni’s bright and beautiful new Color Me Retro line, or Aneela’s whimsical new Posy line. Be sure to also check the Coming Soon tab – you can also sign up to be notified when new lines arrive.


But I bet you want to know about the giveaway, right? Jess and Donna are offering a $30 gift certificate to one lucky commenter. This way you’ll have a chance to select exactly what you’d like! To enter, please leave a comment here (one per person, please!) and I’ll select a winner on Sunday evening. If you’d like, take a peek at the Bloomerie shop and let me know what you’d buy if you won. Me? I have my eye on the Bouquet and Story prints from Aneela’s Posy line.

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Update: A winner! has selected comment number 433

Stephanie says:

There are so many lovely ones to choose from. I love the first one you pictured. And of course the Posy. Really loving the Color Me Retro as well. Thanks for the chance!

Thanks for playing! Enjoy your weekend!


Posted in Fabric, Giveaway! | Tagged , , | 559 Comments

red and pink love


I got this one finished – with a few days to spare, even!


Deciding how to quilt it was a bit of a challenge. I stared at the top for a long time, debating on various ideas. I thought I had it settled with a bit of a meandering design, including a few meandered hearts. In the back of my mind though, I kept thinking about straight lines. I ignored that little voice, going forward with the meandering thinking it would be faster (I really wanted this one to be finished and photographed by Valentine’s Day!). As it turns out, that wasn’t a good idea. I got a corner of the quilt quilted and realized the rounded quilting really didn’t complement this design. So then I spent a couple hours of picking out the quilting – I know that any of you who have had to spend time removing quilting stitches can sympathize!


So then I spent some more time staring at the top. Ultimately I did go with the straight lines, but switched it up a bit by having the lines run a few different directions. And then I varied the spacing of the quilting lines in the various sections. I’m glad I changed my mind, because I do think this quilting suits this quilt better.


Remember my dilemma on backing fabric? Well, I owe a huge thank you (THANK YOU!!) to Holli, who was among the first to comment on that post and was so generous to offer to go to her local Ikea that same day to buy that black and white fabric for me. I so appreciate her generosity and her willingness to go out of her way to make my backing dreams come true! Thanks Holli! (and thank you also to a few other generous blog readers who also offered – you all are so awesome!).


I really love it as the backing for this quilt! Since it wasn’t quite wide enough I pieced together a strip using scraps from the front, and even dug through my sewing trash for a couple of those half blocks to incorporate.


For the binding I went with a dark charcoal. It’s perfect with the backing and provides a nice dark frame for the front. And I’m happy to be snuggling under this quilt this week, though I have a feeling this one will spend more than just February out on the couch!


Happy Valentine’s Day (a day early!)

P.S. I had it in mind that pink and red balloons would make for a great addition to my quilt photo shoot. What I failed to take into account was trying to wrestle said balloons while outside after a snowstorm without extra help! So what’s not pictured here is Max stuck in knee deep snow (and not happy about it!), me chasing down errant balloons, and Morgan trying to toss balloons in the air while wrestling with the quilt (and trying to keep it level, of course!). Ah, the things you sometimes do for a quilt photo!

Posted in Fabric, Posts about Quilts | Tagged , , , , , | 48 Comments

a new look for the couch


Oh boy, it was time for a little update! The original pillow covers on this couch were from when I first started sewing, and to be honest, I was never really sold on the darker colors I had chosen.


I’ve been trying to clean out a few of our closets, and in doing so, I came across these cream colored (furry!) pillow covers I bought years ago from Pottery Barn. I had never used them because they were meant for a much larger pillow form – it’s about time I finally got my act together and cut them down to size!


In that same closet, I also discovered this great piece of heavyweight cotton sateen Marimekko gingko print I bought years ago. I used that for the front of each pillow and backed them with a Lecien yarn dyed mini gingham in brown. The binding is the Marguerite Stripe in pink, which I love. It’s printed on the diagonal, so when cut in strips it gives the look of bias cut strips, without having to cut on the bias!


The last pillow was the most fun – I’ve never had a cover for this lumbar pillow insert, but have always wanted to use it on this couch. I started with the prints I had already used – the Marimekko print, the brown gingham and the pink stripe and then I pulled some additional prints from my stash. I went for some soft pinks, a few text prints and one pinky-coral solid. I cut 3 1/4″ squares to make a patchwork piece to cover this 16″ x 26″ pillow. What I love about this patchwork piece is that I finally cut into some favorite prints and now get to see them every day. While I’m sad knowing that I can’t rebuy many of these prints, at least they’re no longer just sitting in my stash!

Posted in Fabric, Household Sewing - bags, napkins, pillows | Tagged , , , | 17 Comments