Ha! I’m sure I’m not the only one to have an idea, start making it, and discover you dislike it. That’s pretty much what happened here.
I started this one a while back, and in fact I can’t even remember what my original plan was with these blocks (this was not it). It wasn’t good, so it was turned into this, which is also not good, but for some reason I couldn’t let it go and actually pieced a backing (which I do like!), and even basted it.
It sat in a pile for a long time because I didn’t really want to put in the time to quilt something I didn’t care for, but then I discovered that I had used a lot of my larger quilting safety pins to baste it and I kind of wanted them back. So you see, I had to finish it!
In the meantime, I received Jacquie Gering’s amazing book, Walk, from Lucky Spool (thank you!), and I couldn’t stop looking at all the great quilting designs she shows. I’ve been tired of just straight lines, but for some reason hadn’t even considered that I could change it up and create such fun designs with my walking foot.
This quilt seemed like the perfect quilt to practice on. I chose Jacquie’s Orange Peel design, mainly because this quilt was made up of the same sized squares and therefore required minimal marking. I’m so happy to say that it was so fun, and dare I say easy? to quilt that I can’t wait to try out another design on a quilt I like a bit better! (In fact, since quilting this one, I’ve used two other designs from this book to quilt two other quilts which I’ll show you soon!).
As far as this one goes, I’m not really sure what its fate will be. Perhaps a donation, or perhaps one of the kids will snag it for fort building. I’m just happy it’s finished and that I have my quilting pins back!