August design star bundle


I was so flattered when Beth from Stash Fabrics asked me to participate in her fabric Design Star club! I love putting together fabric bundles so I knew it would be fun to put together one for this club.


I was given the month of August, so I started thinking about what colors I associated with late summer. My mind immediately went to navy and coral and lighter pinks along with a little gray added in for good measure. For me it reads warm sunsets over the lake, and I’m really pleased with how it turned out.


If you sign up before August 5th I think you can still receive this bundle plus the 9 remaining months (fat quarter or half yard memberships available). I can’t wait to make something out of this bundle and can’t wait to see what you might make! And now, a few more pictures to entice you…




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ps. three posts in three days? what??!

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Henry – months 5 & 6

Looks like I’ve missed a couple months here! Here’s a quick catch-up…

5 months –


(munki martian quilt)


6 months –


(a quilt soon to be listed for sale, part of the kitchen patchwork quilt collection – ha!)



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some slow sewing for the summer

Hello there! It’s been a while, sorry! This kitchen renovation certainly has kept me from sewing for the past month, but thankfully it’s nearly complete. I haven’t been able to access my sewing machine for the last month, so instead I picked up a bit of hand sewing.


I’m so thankful to have a great sewing shop in town and even more thankful that Phiona organizes great events and brings in awesome teachers on a regular basis. The most recent was the fabulous Carolyn Friedlander, who had a great trunk show and then taught two classes. I had a chance to attend one of her classes and spent the day (without kids!) learning needle turn applique while working on blocks from her Everglade pattern. It’s a little tricky to get the same nearly invisible stitches as Carolyn’s, but I’m having fun trying. I cut out fabrics for four blocks, but I’ve enjoyed it enough that I’ve since cut out fabrics for an additional four. Who knows how many I’ll actually complete!


It’s quite nice to have a portable project – I like to take a block with me to the pool, pretending that I’m actually going to have time to do some stitching (ha!). Mainly I slowly work on a block while watching tv at night. More soon!


Posted in Fabric, Quilt Blocks | Tagged , , , , , | 10 Comments