linen napkins

I love napkins as gifts, and these might be my favorites so far!

(And I should mention, that if anyone is looking for a last minute gift idea, this one might be a good one! Aside from a bit of ironing, they’re pretty quick to make, and always provide a great result!)

I used this tutorial from the Purl Bee. I had some of this linen left over from the backing of this quilt, and I went with backings/bindings in similar colors as those used in the Purl Bee tutorial (why mess with a good thing, right?!)

Before stitching up the edges, I decided to add a bit of hand stitching, inspired by this tutorial. I think it’s a fun little added touch!

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knit baby pants

My latest knitting project —

teeny tiny knit baby pants!

I used this free pattern, and they were surprisingly easy to knit (even for someone like me who still has to look up each knitting abbreviation online!)

I’d love to make a couple more, but first, back to my Christmas presents… Anyone else waiting until the last minute and doing their shopping this weekend?!

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the stockings are hung

I shouldn’t show you these, since our stockings are not handmade (though my excuse may be that they were purchased before I knew how to sew!). My parents gave us these stocking holders recently, and since there were three of them, what could I do?

Even though the baby won’t actually be here for Christmas this year, I thought a cute little stocking was in order. I made this one up with lots of red, green & brown scraps, and lined it in white. No pattern – I just drew out a stocking shape and was pleasantly surprised that it does indeed resemble a stocking!

Things are starting to look festive around here!

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