spring shirts?

I made a quick stop at Nido this weekend and picked up these fabrics…

(DS Greenfield Hill voile, new Nani Iro, and some Cut Out & Keep)

I’m thinking of using them for a few new shirts, since most of my old clothes are still not fitting quite right (shouldn’t have eaten quite so many Cadbury mini eggs while pregnant!!). I think I’ll probably make another Shearwater Kaftan (here are a few I’ve made in the past) and another Simplicity 3835 (as seen here). I’m also interested in trying out one of the new Lisette patterns… we’ll see. Do you have any favorite shirt patterns? If so, definitely let me know (and of course, the easier the better!)

And because I can’t resist, how about a photo of the little one? He’s already 5 weeks old – how did that happen so quickly? He’s becoming quite expressive –  we’ve been seeing lots of smiles lately (and he’s also got a very sad-looking pout down pat!)

Posted in Fabric | Tagged , , | 32 Comments

fancy a picnic?

I got my picnic quilt finished, just in time for some gorgeous spring weather! We spent the last couple of days down in beautiful Southern Vermont, and those few hours in the car provided a perfect opportunity to work on the binding on this quilt.

(finished up the binding while enjoying some sun on the deck)

This patchwork quilt is made up predominately of lovely Denyse Schmidt prints – some Flea Market Fancy, a little Katie Jump Rope, and lots of her newest line for Joann’s. I love how well they all work together, and I think they’re just fabulous in a simple patchwork design.

I used 3 1/2″ squares and it’s definitely the largest patchwork quilt I’ve made to date, finishing at about 70″ square, which I think will be the perfect size for the three of us to relax on this summer.

I used one of the large plaid prints from the DS Quilts line for the backing. I didn’t use it in the quilt top, as I thought the pattern was a bit too large, but thought it would be an ideal backing for a picnic quilt. Unfortunately, and what you can’t see here, is that the piece I bought seemed to not be printed quite straight, so it doesn’t line up quite as well as I’d like, but that’s ok — who’s looking at the back anyway?!

Unlike other quilts I’ve made in the past which I thought would be used as picnic quilts, this one actually will get used outdoors! And in fact, we tried it out straightaway, enjoying our morning coffee and scones out in the park.

I’m looking forward to many more!!

Posted in [search] Charm Quilts, Finished Quilts, Posts about Quilts, Quilts | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 43 Comments

winner, winner!

Yay for #42, Andrea Krauss! I’m thrilled that Andrea won, as her comment indicated that her husband loves Rubik’s Cubes and she’d love to make this quilt for him. How appropriate!

And because I can’t seem to post without a photo or two, how about a couple of Max? He’s 4 weeks old today (where has that month gone?!)

I hope you all have wonderful weekends! I have plans to finish up my picnic quilt top, but it sounds like we’re also due (finally!) for some nicer weather, so I might instead spend as much time as I can outdoors… maybe a few walks with this cutie…

And of course, wishing all the mothers out there a very happy Mother’s Day!

Posted in baby | 23 Comments