a quilt winner…

Wow, thank you so much for all those wonderful comments! You certainly know how to make a girl feel good (I’m blushing!) I really enjoyed reading about so many of you who are working on your first, second, or third quilts – I’m so happy to think that there are so many out there who are experiencing the joys of quilting! I wish we all lived closer so we could get together for a big sewing party.

And now, what you really came here to find out — the winner! I let the good old random number generator select the winning comment –

#319, Erin, who wrote, “The quilt is so pretty – and I LOVE purple, so it would be LOVED in my home! :) Max is adorable, congrats on 3 years and blessings to you!”.

A big congrats to you, Erin, and another big thanks to all of you who took the time to leave such nice comments!

Posted in Giveaway! | 18 Comments

celebrating milestones

I realized this morning that I almost missed my 3 year blogging anniversary! I had it in the back of my mind that it was coming up, and I knew I wanted to do something to celebrate, but somehow the day (June 1st) came and went without me realizing it… but better late than never, right?

In some ways it seems like just yesterday that I started sewing and writing about it, and in others, it seems like it’s been way longer than just three years. Thank you to all of you who have stopped by the blog throughout these years. I certainly appreciate each and every one of you who take the time to visit, read and comment. I hope you know how much I enjoy reading your comments, even though I don’t often have the time to respond (especially since Max’s arrival!)

Speaking of, look who else is celebrating a milestone – Max is 8 weeks old today!

Anyway, to celebrate, I thought it would be fun to give away a quilt. How about this one, made from Anna Maria Horner’s lovely Innocent Crush? While I’m not usually drawn to purples, I love the way it looks in this quilt with all the solid white, and I’m particularly fond of that green binding. I hope one of you will be as well!

[You can find the original post about this quilt here, as well as a tutorial to make this quilt block here… you know, in case you don’t win, but still want to make one!]

To enter, please leave a comment on this post. You’re welcome to write whatever you’d like, or if you’d like, you could tell me what you’d like to see/read more of on this blog. Please just leave one comment per person! International entries are welcome. I’ll leave it open through the weekend and will select a winner on Monday.

Comments are now closed. I’ll select and post the winner shortly!

Posted in Giveaway! | Tagged , , , , , , , | 948 Comments

a long weekend…

I hope you all had a lovely holiday weekend! We lucked out and even though there was some rain (as has been the case ALL month long!), we also saw the sun and some warmer temperatures.

(photographic evidence that the sun was out!)

We took the opportunity to do a tiny bit of gardening – planting our 2 tomato plants and a bunch of basil (that’s about all the gardening I can handle!) – and spent the rest of the time just relaxing.

Max spent a lot of his time like this –

snoozing on the couch under the ceiling fan. I think he had the right idea!

I was so tempted to join him, but instead took the opportunity to sew together my HST blocks.

I remember now why it’s been so long since I’ve made a quilt with half square triangles… I love all the designs you can make, but I find the trimming of all those squares to be incredibly tedious!! (I don’t know how Rita does it!)

But now that that part’s done, I can sit back and enjoy this quilt top. I recently pulled out my old Windmill Whimsy quilt and was reminded how much I like the design, so I decided to make another, this time in this fun boyish color palette.

Now I just need to figure out a backing… preferably one without any more HSTs!

Posted in Posts about Quilts | Tagged , , , , , , , | 29 Comments