Wow, thank you so much for all those wonderful comments! You certainly know how to make a girl feel good (I’m blushing!) I really enjoyed reading about so many of you who are working on your first, second, or third quilts – I’m so happy to think that there are so many out there who are experiencing the joys of quilting! I wish we all lived closer so we could get together for a big sewing party.
And now, what you really came here to find out — the winner! I let the good old random number generator select the winning comment –
#319, Erin, who wrote, “The quilt is so pretty – and I LOVE purple, so it would be LOVED in my home! Max is adorable, congrats on 3 years and blessings to you!”.
A big congrats to you, Erin, and another big thanks to all of you who took the time to leave such nice comments!
18 Responses to a quilt winner…