kites in the clouds

(please ignore all those stray threads!)

Does anyone remember the start of this quilt? I started it way back when, right after finishing my Flying Farfalle quilt. I even wrote a tutorial for it, then promptly put it away and started something else (what can I say, I’m not always good at completing projects!). Anyway, I would have finished it earlier, but to be perfectly honest, when I wanted to finish it, I couldn’t find those blocks! [That’s not totally true though – I did find 9 blocks, but couldn’t find the remainder (why those 9 weren’t with the others is still strange to me!). I looked in all the likely spots, and then finally found them tucked in among a stack of fabrics. Looks like someone needs to be a bit more organized!]

Blah, blah, blah… so anyway, I made several additional blocks to make up a throw sized quilt. Originally, the idea was to lay out the blocks as shown in the original post. Then Morgan got to the design wall and next thing I knew, he had changed it up and decided I should go with this layout instead. And so now I guess the name has to change…Dinner Date is now Kites in the Clouds.

(I suppose the backside looks more like kites, but I’m going with it anyway!)

I think it’s fun, and I love that it’s made up of all solids – mainly Kona solids. I think this is the first quilt I’ve made out of solely solids. It really was a great way to use up all those small pieces of solids I had floating around. Oh, and I even made a backing for it! Yay!

Speaking of solids, check back tomorrow for a solids giveaway from Jackie at Canton Village Quilt Works

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these quilts need backings!

So after telling you that I needed to get working on quilt backings, I decided to pull out all the quilt tops waiting for those backings. I figure that if I get them out of the closet and downstairs closer to the sewing machine, that perhaps they’d have a better chance of getting finished (we’ll see how that works out!).

I’ve been storing them in a closet, hung on hangers (after seeing someone else doing this… Jacquie, maybe?). It keeps them somewhat unwrinkled and organized. Three of these quilts are queen sized, which is why they’re still unfinished. Even though I’ve made a couple queen sized quilts in the past, I’m still intimidated by the thought of finishing a quilt of this size. I really want to start using these though, so I should really get on it!

So how many backings do you think I’ll complete this weekend? My guess is zero, though perhaps I should be more optimistic and say one…

And for those of you asking for Max photos, here he is at 9 weeks –

At his 2 month checkup this week we found out that he’s now weighing in at 13 lbs 8 oz and is off the charts at 25 1/4″ tall…

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shearwater kaftan… take 5?

I’m not exactly sure how many times I’ve made this shirt… quite a few I guess, since I can’t remember. (I guess that shows you how much I like it!) Those I made last year are a bit snug in the chest region, so I made the next size up and it’s just perfect!

I made it out of this lovely hydrangea print from the Cut Out and Keep collection by Heather Moore for Cloud 9 (purchased here). I love this print, and it turns out, so does Max. He’s quite mesmerized when I wear it.

And this time I learned my lesson and followed the pattern exactly as it was written. (And you should, because Toni has really written a great pattern!) My only change was to make the sleeves about an inch longer, and that’s only because I have a thing for long sleeves. I used Anna Maria’s solid voile in froth for the binding around the neck.

I even took the time to add the sleeve pick-ups, and I’m so glad I did. It’s really nice to be able to roll up and button the sleeves. I hate to admit it, but I don’t even know how to make buttonholes on my sewing machine, so I did have to bring this over to Phiona to have her make them for me. I should really learn all the features of my machine, eh? (Though why, when I have great friends who already know how!)

I’m quite tempted to make one more of these kaftans, though I don’t know if it’s because I really need one, or if it’s to avoid making quilt backs. I have quite a few quilts that need backings, and I’m definitely finding everything else to do other than make them. Someone please encourage me to get on that!

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