Do you remember when I made this quilt top? I didn’t, but luckily a look back in the blog archives tells me it was June 7th, 2010. I don’t usually wait quite this long to finish a quilt, but this one ended up pretty large, so it was sent to live a lonely life in the closet of unfinished quilts.
This year I vowed I’d finish up some of those quilts, and to that end I decided to send this one out to be quilted. It was the first quilt I’ve sent out, and I must say that once I got over my little bit of guilt for not doing it myself, I realized how nice it was to pack it all up and have it arrive back just needing a binding!
I sent it to the lovely Lindsay of Eileen Quilts, and she very quickly quilted this one up in a fabulous loopy design. (How’d I pick Lindsay? Both Amanda of Hey Porkchop and Karyn of Make Something have shown gorgeous quilts quilted by Lindsay. In fact, Karyn had this design quilted on her quilt and I loved it so much that I went with the same.) Anyway, she was wonderful to work with and super fast! I was so pleased to receive this big quilt back in the mail, all beautifully quilted.
But back to the quilt! This isn’t the first Flea Market Fancy quilt I’ve made, and I’m sure it won’t be the last (I’m currently in the midst of finishing my FMF Swoon quilt top…), especially now that some of the prints are being reprinted. When I decided to make this quilt, I wanted a quick quilt, and something that would show off the Flea Market Fancy without using up too much of it. I think this lattice design was just perfect on both counts.
When I made this quilt top, I kind of failed to accurately calculate the size I’d need, so this quilt ended up being king sized, even though we don’t have a king sized bed. But even though it’s large, I love it on our bed (and who doesn’t need some extra covers, especially when you sleep next to a middle-of-the-night cover-snatcher?!)