fabric selection – a muted rainbow

I already made a quilt with most of these fabrics, but I pulled them all out again because I’m quite tempted to use them for a new quilt. I love this rainbow of prints, especially in these lovely muted shades.

So what do you think? A second quilt with nearly the same fabrics?

I’m tempted!

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flea market fancy for the walls

I don’t make too many mini quilts, and now I’m wondering why not. This was so fun to make, quick to quilt, and makes for some great art for a blank wall!

As I mentioned before, this little quilt is made up of all the tiny scrap triangles from my Swoon quilt. Typically those would be something I’d probably end up tossing, so the fact that I actually made something from them makes me like this quilt even more!

I looked at these triangles for a long time and couldn’t come up with a design I liked. Then I received a copy of Jacquie and Katie‘s fabulous Quilting Modern book. As soon as I saw their Swirling Medallion quilt I knew I had my answer. Their fun stitch and flip technique adds a little extra color and some fun wonkiness that my half square triangles were lacking.

I limited the quilting to the white sections and used a bunch of straight line quilting to highlight the design.

And it makes a great design on the backing, should I ever get tired of the front side! The back uses up the last of the HSTs – what fun to actually use up all the scraps from a project. I’m really enjoying seeing this fun wall hanging brightening up this wall. I will be following Jacquie’s tutorial to make it a quilt sleeve, but for now the tape seems to be working!

Posted in Posts about Quilts | Tagged , , , , , , | 26 Comments

liberty patchwork!

Phew! This week kind of got away from me! But I did find bits of time to get these Liberty squares sewn together. I’ve collected little pieces of Liberty for a very long time now and finally decided it was time to get them sewn into a quilt.

I was thinking I’d have enough for a nice large throw size, but as it turns out, this ended up nearly a perfect queen sized quilt. Which is awesome, except for the fact that our new king sized mattress is being delivered today. So, dilemma… buy more Liberty and add to it to turn it into a king sized quilt, keep it at a queen for the guest bed, or cut it down to a large throw?

I still can’t decide, but I do know that I absolutely love it. And I think Max might be a fan as well.

Posted in Fabric, Posts about Quilts | Tagged , , , , , , , | 49 Comments