I had a chance to get my hands on a selection of Violet Craft’s Madrona Road line before it arrived in shops and though it took me a while to decide on a design, I’m really happy with how this quilt turned out! Madrona Road is such a gorgeous collection, separated into two beautiful colorstories, including a great text print which is sure to be a favorite (see better photos of each print, including the memoir on that great text print here).

I decided to limit my color palette and selected these prints above paired with some lovely Michael Miller Cotton Couture solids (from top to bottom – fuschia, berry, peony, petal, canary, mango, orange, stone & gray) I love these pinks and oranges and am oh so fond of how they become quite sophisticated with the addition of the dark grays.

This photo (and this one too) have been favorites for some time and I decided this would be the perfect time to try my hand at these fun wonky diamonds.

The back is pretty simple, with these two strips. I originally had added these strips to the front to extend the length of the quilt, but it just wasn’t right, so to the back they went! To give a nod to those wonky diamonds, I decided to quilt this quilt with this wonky diamond pattern, inspired by a diamond matelasse coverlet we use on our bed sometimes (actually, more often than not I use it as the background for photos I take indoors!)

It’s certainly not perfect quilting, but it really gives this quilt a wonderful texture. If you look you can see the errors, but I was reminded once again how a trip through the washer and dryer really helps to soften and disguise any quilting errors. As a whole, it really gives the look I was going for! And even though there’s a lot of quilting on this one, it still remains really soft.