winner, winner!

We have a winner! Good old selected comment #407, Genevieve – congrats to you, Genevieve! I hope you’ll have fun sewing with the lovely Glimma fabrics!

And a big thanks to everyone else who took the time to comment, and who left such nice comments about my two Glimma quilts – thank you, thank you!

Posted in Uncategorized | 6 Comments

Glimma waterfall (+giveaway!)

I had the opportunity to sew with Lotta Jansdotter’s upcoming line for Windham Fabrics, Glimma, recently. I showed you one quilt I made using this line, a fun wonky cross quilt, made to show off the great colors in this line.


I was having so much fun using her new line that I started right in on a second quilt, this time setting those prints in a sea of white.


This quilt was certainly harder to put together than the first! I initially started out by making up lots of little blocks using Lotta’s prints. Then I started playing around with those blocks on the design wall, and after a lot of rearranging I came up with this waterfall-like design. Actually sewing it together was another challenge! Since the blocks were all different sizes, it required a lot of cutting, trimming, and sewing small pieces together and then trying to fit them together like a puzzle!


I used up some larger pieces of the line for the backing, quilted it with vertical straight lines and bound it with the gray coordinating solid, then I had to quickly mail it off to Windham Fabrics. In my rush, I failed to even snap a photo, but fortunately both quilts were part of a photo shoot thanks to Windham, so the photos in this post (except for the last one) are courtesy of Windham Fabrics.


Lotta’s third line is due out in April, but I’d love to give you a chance to win some now! I had a bit leftover from these two quilts and have cut up pieces of each print. There should be enough here to make up a nice-sized quilt. Just leave a comment on this post (one per person, please!) and I’ll select a winner on Sunday morning.

Update: Comments are now closed and a winner has been selected and announced!

Posted in [search] Wonky/Improv Quilts, Fabric, Giveaway!, Posts about Quilts, Quilts | Tagged , , , , , , | 641 Comments

first quilt top of 2013


Happy 2013! Our New Year started with Max flushing his toothbrush and clogging the toilet (which of course required the toilet to be removed – an unpleasant task, to be sure!), and then I got hit with some awful illness that had me confined to the couch for a week. I will assume that better things are ahead… like this quilt top becoming a real quilt!


I put most of these blocks together at the very end of December, and then got the top sewn together on New Years Day, so I suppose that qualifies it as the first top of 2013. I was really happy to finally get a chance to sew up these blocks – I pulled together most of this stack many months ago.


Along the way I’ve collected many special handprinted fabrics from a variety of wonderful artists, and it was fun to be able to combine all those favorites in this one quilt top. Most recently I received a few great prints from Julie at Cloth Fabric in Australia. I’m particularly fond of her disc print (shown above in the center), so I based my fabric pull off of this print. Along with several of Julie’s fabrics, you’ll find some Skinny LaMinx, Ink & Spindle, Kalla Design, a few little pieces of Umbrella Prints, and a little Repeat Studios along with some coordinating quilting weight prints and solids.


I wanted to use larger pieces of these gorgeous handprinted fabrics, so I opted for some large (15″) improv blocks. I really love the way the blocks look, and I love them even more all sewn together into this quilt top! I’m hoping to get a backing put together this week so this one doesn’t languish in the ‘quilt top closet’!


(As usual, Max still loves himself a quilt photoshoot!)

Posted in baby, Fabric, Posts about Quilts, Quilt Blocks | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 17 Comments