Tag Archives: pat bravo
Spring plus
Often times I feel pressure (mostly self induced!) to try to come up with a new design for each new stack of fabric I put together. And while I love thinking of different ways to sew fabric together, sometimes, and … Continue reading
Posted in baby, Fabric, Posts about Quilts
Tagged art gallery, baby quilt, handmade, leah duncan, meadow, pat bravo, plus quilt, quilt top, rapture, squared elements
Spring in a quilt?
It’s supposed to be Spring, right? The sad dirty piles of snow still lingering outside our door make me think that’s not so. We had one semi-Spring like day the other day and we spent the day sitting outside exclaiming … Continue reading
Posted in baby, Fabric
Tagged baby quilt, Fabric, leah duncan, meadow, pat bravo, plus quilt, rapture, spring quilt