Umbrella Prints improv


A while back I showed you the start of this quilt, and here it is as a completed quilt top. Usually I have an idea of how the quilt will look in the end, but on this one I went into it without a plan and was really just winging it as I went along.


And as it turns out, I’m happy with the result. It has a bit of the look of Jacquie and Katie’s Tunnel Vision and it still fulfilled my goal of creating a quilt using just the Umbrella Prints trimmings and added solids.


As a lucky coincidence, Lizzy House’s Twinkle print has similar colors (and I had some on hand!), so the backing was a no brainer. Now I just have to find some time for my temporary quilt baster (thanks Morgan!) to get this one ready for quilting!

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a portion of the Marcelle Medallion quilt


If you’ve been on Instagram lately, you may have noticed the informal quilt along for the lovely Marcelle Medallion quilt pattern which can be found in Alexia Abegg’s new book, Liberty Love. I didn’t join in, since I am abysmal at following patterns, but each time I saw anyone get to the 7th border, which in Alexia’s quilt is made up of brightly colored plusses set in a background of low volume prints, I fell a little bit more in love.


I kept thinking how a quilt made up entirely of the plusses would be kind of fun, so I went searching for all my quieter, low volume prints.


I made my plus blocks a bit larger than those shown in the pattern, and kept sewing until I had enough for a nice sized throw. I added in more of the low volume prints between each plus block (as in Alexia’s border) and then sewed them together in rows, alternating the placement. There’s a narrow row of random patchwork low volume prints between each row to give a little more space between the bright plus blocks.


And I must say, I’m quite smitten! I got to use lots of favorite prints, including many that have been in my stash for years, and even a little Liberty (it only seemed right!) I’ve ordered up some backing fabric and very much look forward to getting this one quilted!


I had a few questions recently about low volume prints, so I thought I’d share a partial list of those I used here. I’m not sure if there’s a formal definition of low volume prints, but as far as I can tell, these are quieter fabrics that can read as a neutral, especially when paired with a vibrant print. Often these are light colored prints on a white/cream background, but I’ve also included those with very pale backgrounds (light gray, pastels, etc.). Here are some favorites –

-Many prints from Carolyn Friedlander’s Architextures
-Many prints by Aneela Hoey, especially those from her Sew Stitchy line, but I also used a few from the older A Walk in the Woods line, and also some from her new Posy line
-Prints by Lizzy House, especially those new pale pearl bracelets, and also her lighter Jewel prints. I also used the Twinkle Stars in White from her latest Constellations line
-Stripes – Lecien makes some lighter ones, and I also used a couple from the Dear Stella Ostara line
-prints by Megumi Sakakibara
-Riley Blake prints – not sure of specific lines, but seems I used several prints from this manufacturer. (I especially like the light blue/green and the light gray herringbone prints)

Oh, and Westwood Acres occasionally puts together great low volume bundles (they recently sold out of their most recent bundle, but I expect more will be coming, so you might want to check back!)

While this is certainly not a complete list, it’s a start, and I hope it helps those of you who might want to start, or add to, your stash of low volume prints!

Posted in Fabric, Posts about Quilts | Tagged , , , , , , , | 23 Comments

Wiksten tops made out of rayon


I’ve been curious about Anna Maria’s rayon challis since she first mentioned it on her blog. I had never sewn with rayon, so I hesitated buying any, but finally curiosity won over and I added a bit to a recent order from Hawthorne Threads. And I’m so glad I did! Have you felt this stuff yet? You need to! It’s soft and silky, yet still substantial, and it has such a beautiful drape.


Since I’m running out of shirts that fit, I decided to make another Wiksten Tova. I went up a size, and while it’s currently a tad on the large size, I’m quite certain it won’t be long before it fits perfectly.


I quickly ordered a couple more of the prints and used them for a couple Wiksten tanks, another pattern that I find is working well for early maternity wear. I’ve been pairing a tank with an open cardigan, and find it to be my most comfortable outfit these days (so comfortable in fact, that I’ve actually made up a total of five new tanks so I could wear them every day!). The ones made of the rayon are by far my favorite. The best part? I can wear it all day long and it still looks just as smooth and wrinkle-free as when I first put it on. Even better? I’ve found that even if it should happen to remain in the dryer for days (oops!), it still comes out looking good. Now that’s my kind of fabric!

Oh, and I should mention that it’s pretty easy to sew with as well. I used a walking foot and had no trouble with it at all. It’s a bit harder to cut while tracing a pattern since it’s more fluid and more shifty than regular cotton, but certainly not a deal breaker for me.

But don’t take it from me – check out Anna Maria’s blog, where she wrote much more about her rayon challis fabrics here and here.


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