random pics of fabrics…

I’ve had some fun mail arrive recently – fun fabric-y mail, which is always my favorite kind!


Up first is a selection of prints I ordered from Umbrella Prints – these are from their new line, Floating World, and I must say I’m in love. I’ve had a thing for peach recently, so that peach print is a perfect addition to the stash. And that green one on top? Perfect. I will definitely be ordering more! (oh, I shouldn’t have looked at their site again – I already spy a few more things I’d like…)


And then there was this – an absolutely beautiful bundle of Alissa Haight Carlton’s new Modern Solids. What a perfect selection of colors, with great depth and richness. They’re crossweaves, which gives them that extra depth. I can’t wait to see how they’ll look in a quilt! (They’ll be available next month I think…)


Some recent stash additions – a few new prints from Joel Dewberry’s and Anna Maria Horner’s True Color lines, and then a bit of a restock on some of my other favorites. I’m often asked how much of each fabric I buy, and of course it really depends. I do find that these days I tend to like to buy fat quarters of prints I like from new lines – mainly to see how they work with my stash. If I find I reach for them often, then I’ll rebuy a half yard. Most of the prints in this stack are half yard cuts (aside from the few on top, which are fat quarters).


(my little helper – snapping a few pretend photos of his own!)


I can try and make these piles look pretty, but in reality, this is the true state of my sewing table, so it looks like I’ll be spending some time cleaning things up before I get to the fun of making anything new!


Oh, and speaking of new, here’s my latest all taped (rather messily!) to the wall behind my sewing table. Better get sewing!

Happy weekend!

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peachy baby


I have a finished quilt to show you today, as well as some thoughts about quilting. This quilt is finished, but to be honest, I kind of wish I could redo the quilting. Does this happen to you? I get my quilt top all finished and I love it, and then I think, “hey, I should do something fun with the quilting”. I start quilting, and boom!, suddenly I’m not so happy with the quilt.


Obviously quilting requires lots of practice, and over the course of the several years I’ve been quilting, I’ve been able to practice several quilting designs and I now feel quite comfortable with a variety of designs. Straight line? Yep. Free motion meandering? Yes, I’ve practiced that a lot. Dogwood flowers? check. But then I want to be creative and try something different, and suddenly I realize I haven’t had enough practice.


Take this design for instance. I quilted these fun starburst patterns in the mini quilt I showed recently. On that mini quilt I quilted it with straight lines and my walking foot, but it required a lot of turning and passing the quilt through the throat of the machine. That was ok on a small quilt, but I knew that on a larger quilt, to create the same kind of design, I’d have to do it as a free motion design. Now, a smarter person would say, practice, practice, practice! And I did do a quick practice on a mini quilt sandwich, but really, that’s not quite the same as quilting a larger quilt. And since my windows for quilting are short, I kind of hate the thought of using that time on a practice quilt. And hence my dilemma… practice on a quilt top I like, or stay safe and use a design I know I can quilt well?


I opted to just go for it on this quilt, and I’m afraid that I should have maybe opted to do a design I am more comfortable with instead. Though I suppose the question is, does it show just to me as I examine my work and see the wobbly lines and the uneven stitches? My mom loves it, but then again, she’s my mom. All that being said, this one certainly still functions as a quilt – it has a top, some batting, and a backing, all held together with some stitches. So maybe I just shouldn’t look so closely! And as such, I’ve listed it in the shop, hoping that someone will need a sweet little quilt for a little one.

Posted in [search] String Quilts, baby, Fabric, Posts about Quilts, Quilts | Tagged , , , , , , | 38 Comments

potential quilts

I like to see all my fabric stacks as potential quilts, though of course they can’t all become quilts. Too many stacks, and definitely not enough time these days! I’m hoping that these piles will become quilts though.


The first is a stack of all my favorite prints from several of Denyse Schmidt’s lines. There’s lots of Hope Valley and Chicopee, along with a bit of her original Flea Market Fancy, a few prints from Shelburne Falls, and a couple from Florence. I love that these lines play so nicely together, and this quilt is one I’ve had in mind for some time.


I’m going quite simple on this one, and am hoping to make it a king sized quilt for our bed. We shall see. I often write that I plan on making a large quilt, get halfway done, and decide to turn it into a nice sized throw. Hopefully I’ll have better luck this time.


And the next stack? A bundle I pulled together for the Fat Quarter Shop. I was pleased to be asked, though was surprised to find how challenging it was to select fabrics from lines that hadn’t yet been released (I selected them months ago from images online).


Since I knew this bundle would be released at this time, I selected colors that read ‘icy winter’ to me, figuring that I’d probably put this bundle to use in December/January. Of course, I just received my bundle in the mail and quite love it, so I may put it to use before then! You can find this bundle here.


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