800 flowers


It started to feel like Spring here recently, but then yesterday morning there was snow in the air again, so who knows. I do know that it’s been looking Spring-like in the sewing room though. This great group of fabrics is a new line for Windham called Blush & Blooms by Melissa Ybarra, due out in May. As soon as this bundle arrived I knew I wanted to make a quilt out of it, but I wasn’t sure of the design. A few months later I saw this photo on Instagram of Gina’s vintage quilt, and immediately thought of this collection.


I think this line is ideal for this design what with its mix of florals and semi-solids. And I like that the rectangles make it feel a bit different than a quilt made up of squares.

A few weeks later I finally found some time to pull out the bundle and come up with some measurements to recreate this vintage quilt.


I generally don’t enjoy patterns and figuring out the math in advance, but for whatever reason, this one was strangely satisfying to sew! It was the perfect project to work on while hanging out with Henry – lots of chain piecing and ironing and cutting that could be done in batches, quick to put together, and as a bonus, the measurements I came up with used the fat quarters with very little waste. (Anyone want those measurements?)


Even thought it may still be frosty outside, at least I can admire this quilt and dream of Spring!

Posted in Fabric, Posts about Quilts | Tagged , , , , | 56 Comments

january quilt


I’m still trying to work my way through the older unfinished quilts. I pulled this one out as the next to finish mainly because I had this great Anna Maria Horner velveteen that was the perfect size (and color!) for a backing.


You may not even remember this quilt, as I wasn’t too thrilled with it immediately after making it (I can’t even find it on my blog, though I know there’s a photo there somewhere! Ah ha! found it!). It had less to do with the quilt top and more to do with the fact that it wasn’t what I had in mind when I pulled out my initial fabric selections. Luckily, the year it spent hanging in the closet helped me forget what I disliked, and I was actually quite pleased to see it again. I no longer really remember what my original vision was, so I could just appreciate the top for what it was.


I went with straight lines on the diagonal for the quilting, though initially started with some horizontal lines that I didn’t like (and spent forever ripping out! Ugh!). I added one section with quilting lines going diagonally in the opposite direction, which creates a fun crosshatch design in one section.


The regular cotton batting along with the lovely velveteen backing makes this quilt nice and heavy as well as really soft. Combined with all the textures on the front – double gauze, flannel, linen, etc – it’s certainly a fun one to touch! Despite my desire to wash it up and snuggle under it, I’ve decided to list it instead (we can’t use all the quilts that currently reside in this house!). You can find this one along with a couple others over on my instagram destash account. I do hope someone will want to give one of these a loving home!

Posted in [search] String Quilts, Finished Quilts, Quilts | Tagged , , , , , | 4 Comments

Henry – 2 months


Two months already! Henry continues to be quite a pleasant baby – finally now awake more during the day and starting to smile and entertain us all with his cute baby noises.

henry2months2(he’s lucky he didn’t spit up on my very favorite Maze & Vale quilt!)


The kids tend to ignore him for the most part (or perhaps it’s that they forget he’s here?), but do love holding him when he’s happy. Now that he’s started smiling they like to see who he’s directing his smile at.henry2months

And yay, another successful month for photos, though trust me, it was not without tears! I’m going to have to get more creative with my bribes! 🙂



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