timber top

I bought a stack of Jessica Levitt‘s Timber fabrics in the Breeze colorway several months ago. I really like the cool blues and greens and thought it might make a good beach quilt, but wasn’t sure what type of quilt design to go with. Then I started seeing all the lovely quilts from Randi’s ‘On the Road to Spring’ quilt along, and I decided that something along those lines might work well.


I changed mine up a bit — I upped the size of the rectangles, and rather than just using a single solid for the squares, I decided to use my favorite green with a small strip of white sewn to each side. In the end, I also altered the placement of the strips, so that my squares line up with the middle of each rectangle, rather than on each side.


I’m not typically drawn to this type of pattern – straight lines, repeating pattern, etc. – which might explain why it took me so long to get the top sewn together. It was on the design wall so long that we started calling it art. But in the end, I really do like it. Sometimes it’s nice to do something a little different!


(the late day sun is giving these photos a yellowish cast — next time I’ll try to get midday lighting so you can see the true colors!)

Posted in Posts about Quilts | 36 Comments

two new shirts, take 2

This is definitely my new favorite pattern! I tested it out and made two shirts last week and really loved it. So much so that I had to make another couple shirts at the end of last week. I knew I wanted to make the tunic using some Little Folks voile fabric so I picked up a couple extra yards of two of my favorite prints. I used the Little Folks Baby Bouquet in Meadow and followed the pattern for this great spring tunic.


Look at me blending right in with that grass! Last time I posted a shirt, a couple people asked for a photo of it on, and so during a brief break from the rain this weekend, I convinced Morgan to take a few for you. Please ignore my strange poses. I’ve never been good about just standing still in front of the camera – I end up making really strange faces and posing in some strange way (you didn’t see the ones that didn’t make it on the blog!). It must be why I’m typically the one behind the camera…


Anyway, it’s comfy and I’m happy to finally have a shirt made out of Little Folks voile (now I don’t have to walk around wearing my voile quilt! Though what if I wore this shirt and then curled up under the quilt… now that would be something!)

After having good luck with this top, I decided to make a few modifications to the pattern to create a different look using the Little Folks baby bouquet in berry


On this one I used the pattern for the body but shortened it by about 3 inches. I also altered the neckline, giving it a lower scooped neck. I’m glad ruffles seem to be so prevalent these days, because I do love me a ruffle. I added one along the neckline for some extra interest. I also shortened the sleeves and used a little elastic thread along the sleeve edge.


I was a little concerned about this looking like clown clothes, what with that ruffle up by the neck, but my sister assured me that it would be ok if it was low enough. Although I saw my mom this weekend and apparently it immediately made her remember a costume she made for my brother when he was little… (and yes, he went as a clown).

I still love it though. Clown-like or not!

Posted in Clothing | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 37 Comments

tufted tweets winners!

Wow, so many comments! I loved reading about which color/print was your favorite. It seems as though most of you had the same problems I had in picking a favorite (today? birdies and chairs in orchid…) But anyway, enough about me… how about the winners?


#104 and #733 each win a FQ pack!

#104 is Julie, who wrote “This collection is bringing me to my knees. I don’t think I’ve ever been so excited for a debut! I bought a couple of fat quarters from Laurie’s Etsy shop a while back and cannot get enough. I am a big lover of the underappreciated purple. I’ve been gathering purples for a big purple bomb of a quilt, so they’re my faves, and that couch with the damask behind it…be still my heart!

and #733, Kate, who wrote “OOh, I’m totally an orange person, and also a birder. So I’m crazy about the same one you are: Avian Therapy in orange/red. YUM!!

and then, since there were so many comments, I picked a third winner who will win a scrap bag of the Tufted Tweets line. The winner is #851, SheilaC, who said “I love all the beautiful purples!! Thank you for a great give away!! Can’t wait to make a quilt from this yummy fabric

Thank you to everyone for playing along and leaving great comments!

(Tufted Tweets will be available soon, and it looks like Hawthorne Threads will have the entire line. You can even sign up with them to be alerted by email when it arrives!)


And since I can’t leave you with a post without a picture, I wanted to share these photos I received last night. You might recall the Spotted Squares quilt I made recently for a little girl who was just moving into a twin sized bed. Here’s that quilt at home in her room –



and I think she likes it!


Absolutely lovely! Thanks so much for sending along the photos. It’s always fun to see photos of quilts I’ve made being enjoyed!

Hope you all have wonderful weekends. And a very happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there!!

Posted in Fabric, General | 12 Comments