
Today’s my birthday! Despite being a Monday (and a work day) it’s still shaping up to be a great one. I plan on hanging out with this little guy and perhaps sneaking in a bit of sewing!

And speaking of milestones, Max hit 8 months last week. I still can’t believe how quickly these months are flying by!

He’s gotten so chatty lately – I know they’re not real words yet, but I like to pretend he’s working on saying mama, though I think perhaps it’s mum mum (as in one of his favorite baby snacks). With the way this one eats, I’m quite certain one of his first words will be food related! (oh, and he now finally has his first tooth!)

While we were in Florida, my mom helped him figure out how to pull himself up at the coffee table, and now his favorite game is standing at the table and clearing it. I think we have a bit more baby proofing to do now!

As always, we can’t wait to see what the next couple months will bring!

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rubik’s crush pattern

Hi! Just a quick little post today, since we just returned home from vacation and I’m in the midst of all that post-vacation stuff (you know, the unpacking, putting away, loads and loads of laundry… the part I like least about traveling!)

Anyway, do you remember my Rubik’s Crush quilt? It was included in 101 Patchwork Projects + Quilts (great gift ideas in there, in case you’re like me and slow in getting to your holiday making!). I was so happy to hear that it was also just included in a free Quilting Daily eBook! So in case you wanted to add another quilt to your list, head over here to download the free eBook with complete instructions for putting together the Rubik’s Crush quilt. It’s a relatively quick quilt to make, so you might be able to squeeze one in before Christmas, just in case there’s someone on your list who needs a handmade quilt!

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hey, I knit something!

Two things, actually.

I’ve seen so many of these lovely Honey Cowls online – it was about time I made one!

It’s a wonderful free pattern from Madelinetosh, found here, or here on Ravelry.

It was fun to knit, and  a great project to get me back into knitting. I used this lovely Swans Island yarn, purchased locally at Nido.

And then I had even more fun letting Max model it for me. He looks pretty cute in an oversized cowl.

My next project was a winter hat for Max. I made one for him recently, but failed to accurately calculate his head size. This one is the Swirl Hat pattern – quick and easy!

Let’s hope he’ll keep it on once we return home to winter!

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