
Max turned one a couple weeks ago, and I wanted to be sure to get this mosaic posted (better late than never!). I had fun photographing him on a different quilt each month, though it definitely became increasingly difficult to get him to lay still while I snapped my photo!

(bribery became necessary!)

What a great year we’ve had!

Posted in baby | 69 Comments

converging corners, take 2

Another converging corners quilt! Made so I could get in my Flea Market Fancy fix (I had to make a little something that combined both the original and Legacy reprint, right?!) and so that I could have a chance to practice that floral quilting pattern a bit more (you can read more about that in this post).

Last time I felt like the floral design got a bit lost since I had used it all over, so this time I quilted straight lines through the center of each block, creating a little separation for the floral design I quilted in each converging corner. I’m happy with how it turned out, and love that you can see it so well on the back!

Posted in [search] Square-in-Square Quilts, [search] Wonky/Improv Quilts, Posts about Quilts, Quilts | Tagged , , , , , , | 49 Comments

summers(ville) in the Greek Isles

I was lucky enough to receive a fabulous stack of Lucie Summers’ upcoming line, Summersville, for Moda (which will be available this month!). This is one that I’ve been eagerly anticipating, so it was a thrill to see it in person. And let me tell you, it does not disappoint!

Lucie was so kind to send along a number of the prints from her new line, and I think they are fabulous. Look at the crosshatch, the alphabet print, the brush stroke, oh my! Moda translated Lucie’s screen printed designs beautifully. It’s a little departure from other commercially produced fabrics, and I love it (and I know you will too!). I didn’t waste any time cutting into my stack, and in fact, started not one, but two quilts with these prints (I really just couldn’t resist!)

But before I tell you about the inspiration for this one, how about a little behind the scenes for you? Hows about our conversation last night, prior to me writing this post…

“I think I’m going to post the blue quilt tomorrow.”
“The one you finished today?”
“Yes, I have the perfect title for it – ‘Summers(ville) in the Greek Isles’. Awesome, right?”
“I don’t really get it.”
“I’m not a fabric dork.”

Ah, well… there you have it. Fabric dork.

But anyway, back to the quilt! I came across this quilt by Gail Baar recently. I love the simplicity, the use of just one color and white, and the way the look can differ depending on how the quilt is put together. I had several of Lucie’s prints in blue so I decided to try something similar using blue prints and solids paired with Kona Snow and a little bit of Essex Linen in yellow.

I used every single scrap of Lucie’s blue prints. I even dug through the trash to make sure I hadn’t thrown out something useable. I did manage to scrounge up enough fabrics for this baby sized quilt, and I’m so thrilled with how it turned out! It has a beachy, sea glass kind of look, and though I’ve never been, totally reminds me of photos I’ve seen of the beautiful buildings of Greece. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if I could take this one to Greece to photograph it there? One can dream, right?!

Posted in baby, Fabric, Posts about Quilts | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 33 Comments