retro flowers – in progress!

Yikes, no posts yet this week! We snuck away for a mini vacation, and while the time in the car gave me a great opportunity to sew bindings on a few quilts, the rain didn’t make for good photo opportunities of said quilts! So instead, I thought I’d show you a quilt in progress. You might remember that I pulled out these fabrics ages ago, paired with that great Melody Miller typewriter print. I never got around to making a quilt, but the stack stayed stacked, since I loved the prints together.

I realized recently that I had nearly the perfect number of prints for Christina’s beautiful Retro Flowers pattern! I love this pattern, and am really excited to finally get a chance to make one. Christina’s pattern is well written and gives tips to make sewing those curves possible, even for someone like me who hasn’t sewn a lot of curves before.

This one is taking a little longer than the quilts I typically make, but I’m enjoying the process!

Posted in Fabric, Posts about Quilts | Tagged , , , , | 12 Comments

i heart liberty

I think I started collecting Liberty of London fabrics right after I started sewing – just a few small pieces here and there. (I’ve bought a few great scrap bags from the Organic Stitch Co. and there have been several generous friends who have passed along a few pieces.) I figured that eventually I’d have enough small pieces for a decent sized quilt. I’ve been storing them in a small shoebox, and realized recently that it was nearly filled. Time for some Liberty sewing!

After a lot of thought, I decided to go nice and simple with this Liberty quilt – making it out of 6″ squares. I used all the pieces I had that were large enough, and while it may be a bit crazy, I’m hoping it will be the good kind of crazy.

I laid several squares out just to get an idea of the look. Busy, yes, but I think I’m going to love it.

Then, since the fabric was out, I made up a few more Liberty cross blocks to add to my ongoing wonky cross block project. It’s been up on the design wall for many many months now. These squares are being trimmed to just 3 1/2″ square, so I’ll need lots more before I can sew them into a quilt!

And then I couldn’t resist another little patchwork project, out of a few favorite Liberty prints and some light pink and other neutrals. I’m thinking of a sweet, girly little quilt. I like having baby gifts on hand, and I think this will make a perfect one!

Ok, I think that’s all the Liberty love today! And now I’m headed back to play with these pretty prints!

Posted in baby, Fabric, Posts about Quilts, Quilt Blocks | Tagged , , , , , , , | 19 Comments

bella, bella, bella!

Bella is… well… bella! Lotta Jansdotter’s second line for Windham, Bella, is a wonderful follow-up to her first collection, and in fact, the two play together quite nicely.

I received a lovely charm pack of this gorgeous line from the kind folks at Windham, and immediately wanted to make a quilt. I pulled out some Echo, thinking I’d combine both lines, but then ultimately decided to just focus on the new Bella prints. I doodled this little design one evening – I used a bit of this type of design on a really old quilt back (on an aqua background even!), and thought it would be fun to play with it again.

[I didn’t use a pattern on this one, but Allison at Cluck Cluck Sew has a great pattern in case you’re looking for something similar.]

It looks like I may be a bit obsessed with this patchwork-type background, as I think this is now the third quilt (in a row, even!) I’ve shown with a similar look. This time? Shades of aqua. I had a lot in my stash, along with just a few aqua print basics. There might not be quite enough contrast in this one – the white surrounding the Bella squares seems to blend in with the light aqua – so next time I’d like to try it with a neutral background and maybe a dark green, gray, blue? solid around the prints. Add it to the list…

Anyway, I love these new prints and look forward to adding some to my stash in August!

We lucked out with a beautiful spring day over the weekend. We spent a little time at the waterfront, mainly for this photoshoot, but of course we also took time to enjoy the flowers!

Posted in Fabric, Posts about Quilts | Tagged , , , , , | 23 Comments