I’m sneaking in here with one last quilt top from 2016. It’s actually been done for some time now, and I even took photos during the fall, but then apparently failed to actually post about said quilt top! We got some snow today, so I took the opportunity to snap a couple extra photos of this one. Snowy quilt photos are always good, no?
These fabrics are beautiful screen printed fabrics by Karen Lewis, and were available through her fabric club in the fall of 2016. I was honored when Karen asked me to select 12 Kona colors for her club, and was so pleased when I received this bundle in the mail.
I immediately set to work making a quilt with them. I initially paired them with a solid gray, but then decided I liked this patterned gray print better. From afar it reads as a solid gray, but up close there’s a little extra pattern going on.
I can recall now what prompted this design – I suppose it seemed like a good way to get the most out of my fq bundle! I cut all the strips by hand, and love the wonkiness it lends to these lines.
After using up all the prints, I decided the quilt needed a bit more width, so I made up these mini blocks using similar solids.
It’s not going to be a finished quilt for 2016, but I’m glad I snuck at least one more quilt top in for this year!
Wishing you all a very happy New Year! Thank you to all who continue to read and a giant thank you to those who take the time to comment! I look forward to sharing many more quilts (or quilt tops!) with you in 2017. And hey, maybe this is the year I’ll finish up some of those quilt tops from 2012… heh!
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