I was trying to come up with something fun for the back of quilt #2 (which may now be called ‘second time around’, thanks to an idea from a commenter from the other day). I wanted something that used some of the same fabrics from the front, but I didn’t want it to take away from the blocks. I was so pleased with myself when I came up with this…
There’s something about it I just really love… maybe it’s the fabrics, or maybe it’s the random and abstract look, or maybe it’s all the white. I’m not sure, but I do know that immediately after making this backing I wanted it to be the front of another quilt. And that’s how this one started –
(wouldn’t you know that the sun went behind a cloud as soon as we went out to take a photo!)
So this is the start of the front of my next quilt. Originally I was going to orient it the same way, but then after adding a few rows, I looked at it from the other side and decided that I might just like it better in this direction, changing the rows into columns instead…Â it still could go either way though, so if anyone has an opinion, don’t hesitate to share!
Thanks for all the nice comments on the modified bento box quilt block tutorial! I used random.org and Jessica Brown came up as the winner of the quartered blocks! Thanks everyone!
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