Our peonies are about to bloom. Late, perhaps, but this is Vermont… although I have noticed that many other people in the area already have peonies that are in full bloom. In any case, we didn’t have a chance to see them last year, so it will be fun to see how they look. I found the other two photos on the camera already… they have the same theme, so I’ll include them. Yeah M, your big break! (and yes, I am acknowledging that those two are yours!)
My rick rack arrived today, and I’m excited to have new colors to add to my existing pile. This batch had a variety of brands, and I must say, I’m not sure I’ll want to remove the wrapping to use them. Although I don’t think a collection of old rick rack will bring much on the Antiques Roadshow!
I should also mention that after complaining about not getting my invite to Spoonflower, I found one in the mail this afternoon. Guess I have to work on coming up with my own design now…