Hazel – 6 months


Ah, Hazel! Six months already! It’s crazy to think 6 months have already gone by, but at the same time it really does seem like she’s always been part of the family (I’ve always heard people say that, but now I actually get it).


She’s not yet sitting up, but rolling everywhere and making a very concerted effort to creep forward. And despite my best efforts to interest her in her own toys, she passes those by for anything of Max’s (much to his dismay!).


(with their respective bribes!)

Max is certainly one of Hazel’s favorite people, and occasionally he seems to find her quite amusing as well. It’s so nice to see those little interactions and I certainly hope that as time goes on we’ll see them more often.


We had cupcakes to celebrate her half year (Hazel had sweet potatoes!)

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flea market fancy – on point and on the bed (finally!)


I think this might be the first quilt I can check off my ‘to finish’ list, though as it happens, I didn’t finish it, Angela did!

But let me back up for a minute… some of you might remember way back when when I made this quilt top. It was long before the Flea Market Fancy reprint, so after spending a lot of time collecting these prints, I decided to bite the bullet and cut into a whole bunch of them to make this queen sized quilt top. You can read more about it here if you care to.


Anyway, like so many other quilt tops, it sat for a very long time. Basting quilts is not my favorite part, so every time I thought about basting a queen sized quilt, I just pushed it further down the list. As luck would have it, I was spared having to baste this one, as I had a chance to send it to Angela Walters, machine quilter extraordinaire. I’ve loved Angela’s work for such a long time, and it was always a dream of mine to be able to have her quilt one of my quilts. (And now, seeing her work in person makes me want to practice, practice, practice!)


I got it back recently and wow, I can’t believe how her quilting totally made this quilt into something really special. She’s used several different straight line quilting designs in the blocks and a variety of additional quilting designs through the sashing, even continuing the sashing into the border in places.


a variety of perfect little cornerstones!


This little bit – those couple of crossed lines – falls near the center of the quilt, and it makes me smile every time I see it.

Do you follow Angela on Instagram? If not, you should! She’s been posting a few videos of her quilting, and wow, it’s mesmerizing! I wish they were longer than 15 seconds, because I could watch it for hours. (This one shows a bit of her ruler work, which I think is how she quilted the straight lines in these blocks)


I opted for a really low loft batting because I wanted this one to be a summer weight quilt. Of course, now that it’s on the bed I can’t imagine taking it off, so it’ll probably be a year round quilt! The backing is mostly a Kona gray (ash?), and nicely shows off the gorgeous quilting. If I were willing to take it off the bed, I might have been able to get a photo of it, but since I’m not, this little peek will have to suffice!


Angela, thanks so much for adding so much to my quilt (and for helping to cross an unfinished quilt off my list!)

Posted in Posts about Quilts, Quilts | Tagged , , , , , | 28 Comments

goodbye 2013, hello 2014!


On this first day of the new year, I thought I ought to post a little mosaic of a few finished quilts from the last year. Despite losing my job, 2013 was a pretty good year around here. I made several quilts, but of course the best part of 2013 was Hazel joining our family. She’s such a joy, and a perfect addition to our family!

I’ll be spending some time today working on what I had thought would be my last quilt of 2013, but instead seems to be the first quilt of 2014 (these things take more time these days!). I hope you know how much I appreciate each and every one of you who stop by the blog to read my posts, and especially those who take the time to leave such nice comments – thank you, thank you! A very happy New Year to you all!!

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