happy friday!

Thanks for all the love for my new string quilt! I’ve been making a few blocks each evening… and now I just need to decide how big I want to make it.

This pile is the result of trimming up my blocks –


They’re just too pretty to throw away, so for now I’ve been collecting all the scraps in a big zip lock bag. I’m going to have to come up with some project that uses really tiny scraps! (any ideas?)

And speaking of fabric, I’m still working on cleaning up my stash… I’m forever running out of room (maybe because I just keep buying fabric!), so I’ve listed a few additional pieces for sale in my shop.


(I had to make room for these… gingham and tulips – so spring-y!)

Also, if you’re interested, Amy has posted a little interview with me on her blog today. Head over here if you want to read it. Thanks Amy!

Hope you all have fun things planned for the weekend. I think I’ll be chained in front of the sewing machine (though that’s not a bad place to be!). I have a few quilts that need quilting!

Posted in General | 25 Comments

an Anna Maria Horner string quilt, in voile


You know my love of string quilts, right? Well, despite having one in progress (one which may never be finished!), I decided to start another one. I just couldn’t resist using all of the Anna Maria Horner voile fabrics together in one string quilt.

I used green for the center string this time. It’s the same green I used for the binding on the last AMH little folks voile quilt I made. And just to change this up a bit, on this version I combined a regular string quilt with a bit of the Denyse Schmidt ‘Any Way You Slice It’ look (pattern available in the Denyse Schmidt Quilts book) . I’m not sure if you can really see it in these photos, but the inside strings are decidedly wonky, and I think it’s quite fun!




String quilt tutorial can be found here. For this quilt I’m using 10″ squares.

Fabrics are Anna Maria Horner Little Folks voile, as well as the voile solids and dobby dots. Purchased from Fabricworm and Hawthorne Threads.

Posted in Posts about Quilts | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 39 Comments

new books!


A few new crafty books, plus a couple of the Penguin Classics, because I’m just in love with those covers designed by Coralie Bickford-Smith.

From top to bottom:

Sense and Sensibility

Jane Eyre

I Love Patchwork

Flea Market Style

Liberated Quiltmaking II

The Quilts of Gee’s Bend

No reviews yet, since all I’ve done so far is look at the pretty pictures! (I hope I’m not the only one to buy books just for the pictures!)

How about you? Any favorite books I should add to my collection?

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