les fleurs giveaway, thanks to lady belle fabrics!


Today I have a great giveaway for you all, courtesy of one of my sponsors, Lady Belle Fabric. I’m always pleased when Brooke suggests a giveaway, as she always picks a bundle that I’d love to have! And indeed she’s done it again with this giveaway, offering up this amazing collection, the full Les Fleurs collection from Rifle Paper Co, one of the newest lines for Cotton + Steel.


Les Fleurs is one of many great bundles that Lady Belle fabric carries. They love bundles at Lady Belle Fabric and always have a great selection! Here are a few fun new bundles now available in their shop –

paperobsessedPaper Obsessed

morningsidefarmMorningside Farm

pixie-noel-copyPixie Noel 

mendocino color wheel copyMendocino

I hope you’ll take a few moments to head on over to Lady Belle Fabric and take a look at their beautiful bundles. As a bonus, all in stock bundles will be 15% off this weekend (no code needed), and FITF readers can also receive free shipping with code freeship (US only).


Want to win this Les Fleurs bundle? This giveaway is open to all (thanks, Lady Belle, for being so generous!) and will be open until Sunday evening. Please leave a comment here (one per person, please!) to be entered. If you’d like, let us know your favorite bundle available in the shop or what you think you’d make out of this amazing Les Fleurs bundle!

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Update! We have a winner! Random.org has selected #116, Laura, who said “My favorite is black and white 2 by cotton + steel, because I love those bears!”. Congrats, Laura! We hope you’ll love this beautiful bundle!!


Posted in Giveaway!, Uncategorized | 467 Comments

a monday giveaway!

Thank you to all who left comments about my recent Maze & Vale quilt top! I always appreciate you taking the time to comment, especially as I know it’s far easier to just read and move on to the next thing!


I imagine many of you already know of my love for Maze & Vale fabrics. I’ve probably gushed over these prints enough in the past, so I’ll make this brief today (plus I have a couple kids who are very anxious to get to the pool!). I’ve been fortunate enough to collect quite a bit of Leslie’s gorgeous designs over the past several years. I’ve used up much of my stash recently, but I’ve pulled together a fun little bundle that I want to offer up to one of you! I hope that the person who wins will have as much fun as I’ve had sewing with these great prints!


This giveaway is open to all – please just leave a comment on this post (one per person, please!). I’ll let the random number generator select a winner sometime on Wednesday. (er, or late Thursday… oops!)

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Update! A winner! Random.org selected a low one this time – lucky number 5, Megan. Congrats, Megan! I hope you’ll have fun sewing with these lovely fabrics!


Posted in Fabric, Giveaway! | Tagged , , , | 463 Comments

stripe maze


This quilt had a bit of a slow start. I knew I wanted to play around with stripes again, and wanted to use Leslie Keating’s screen printed fabrics (I had pulled my entire Maze & Vale stash out when making this quilt, and wanted to make one out of her blue and green prints).


I started making a few striped sections, but then was at a loss as to what to do with them. I made a few more sections, still nothing. I was getting a little worried that I had just chopped up my hoarded fabrics for nothing, so I decided to set it aside for a while.

(little helper!)

A while later I pulled those sections back out and put them up on the design wall. I started filling in with some additional prints and a black and white striped fabric and suddenly I started really liking it (that’s always a good thing!)


It’s so fun to see all these Maze & Vale prints in one quilt. And interestingly enough, despite spending years collecting these prints, I didn’t even feel sad cutting them up and using up most of my stash – maybe I’m getting better about my hoarding! It certainly is nicer having them in a quilt where I can see them all.


Check back on Monday for a little giveaway (it’s been a while!). I plan on putting together a little bundle of Maze and Vale prints to give away. They’re just too good and I’d love to share a bit of my stash with one of you! Have a happy weekend!



Posted in Fabric, Posts about Quilts | Tagged , , , , , | 33 Comments