in love with drunk love

At long last!

I’m so thrilled to see this quilt finished! If you’ve been reading for a while, you might remember that the Block Party quilting bee was the first bee I was asked to be a part of. This bee was started by Alissa & Kristen (who then later worked together to write Block Party – The Modern Quilting Bee) and included so many fabulous quilters!

My month came around during the summer of 2009, and I decided to pull a variety of fabrics from my scrap bin. I sent a random selection to each bee member and asked them to create blocks in the style of Denyse Schmidt’s Drunk Love in a Log Cabin.

And wow, the blocks I received back are absolutely gorgeous! They are a riot of colors and patterns and it makes me smile to see all those happy colors side by side. I decided to sew up enough extra blocks to turn this into a queen sized quilt, wanting desperately to see this on my bed.

As so often goes, I got the blocks completed and sewn together into a quilt top, and then there was just one little extra step that caused me to procrastinate and to continue to put off finishing this quilt. In this case, the quilt needed just a little bit of extra length. When I finally pulled it back out (after more than a year!), it really only took a tiny bit of time to add a narrow pieced border to the top and bottom. I’ll never learn!

Anyway, back to the quilt… For the backing I used an Amy Butler solid in aqua and created a pieced column along one edge. It’s free motion quilted in a meandering pattern, and then bound with a pieced binding, made up primarily with a Lecien polka dot.

This quilt is now at home on my bed at long last, and I couldn’t be happier. An enormous thank you to all the wonderful ladies of Block Party (Alissa, Kristin, Jacquie, Elizabeth, Ashley, Sarah, Lisa, Rashida, Nettie, Josie & Megan) – this quilt is all the more special knowing how many had a hand in helping make it what it is!

Posted in [search] Square-in-Square Quilts, Posts about Quilts, Quilts | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 44 Comments

a tova dress for fall

(ha, should have taken these photos before I wore it! Please excuse the wrinkles!)

Well, it’s official! I’m definitely in love with this pattern. It’s the Tova pattern by Jenny Gordy of Wiksten. I’ve previously made three shirts using this pattern, and then decided to also test out the dress version.

I used a lightweight wool suiting for this version, thinking it would be good for Fall. And indeed I think it is! My sister even approved, saying it didn’t even look handmade (which I guess means that the other things I’ve made do give off that handmade vibe!)

The only change I made was to lengthen it by about an inch. And next time I might even go a teensy bit longer? The pattern doesn’t include pockets, but my next dress will definitely have some. You just can’t beat a dress with pockets!

It’s comfy and easy to wear (though not so great for feeding the baby… I didn’t consider that aspect!) and I think it will get lots of use. The only problem? –

It seems I should have thought to add a lining! It was fine when I tried it on without tights, but as you can see here, with the tights I spent the whole time trying to keep it from sticking and inching its way up my legs! Ah yes, a good look for sure! (but luckily nothing a slip or an added lining won’t fix!)

The next two dresses are already planned…


Posted in Clothing | Tagged , , , , | 28 Comments

this week, in photos

I got it quilted! (and I forgot how tiring free motion quilting can be!) I was obsessed with getting it done, though now it’s just sitting while I contemplate my binding options. Still haven’t come up with a definite plan yet.

Some happy mail, including this lovely stack of Ruby by Bonnie and Camille. I’m in love with the scallop prints – that gray might be my new favorite!

Along with that, I also received the wool I was waiting for so I could start my Tova dress. I bought this lightweight wool suiting from, mainly based on the color and price. (I wanted to test it out before going with a more expensive option!) I need to pick up some fun colored tights this weekend…

I pulled out a couple old quilt blocks (those that never made it into a quilt!) and turned them into a couple bibs for Max. I used the bib pattern from Lotta Jansdotter’s Simple Sewing for Baby, though I enlarged it just a bit.

And Max, well, he was being pretty cute admiring himself in the mirror. Now that I upgraded my phone, it’s so easy to capture it, both on camera and on video! So, in case you’d like to see a quick little video of Max with his mirror, I’ve posted it below –

Happy weekend everyone!


Posted in baby, Clothing, Fabric | Tagged , , , | 21 Comments