baby spring triangle quilt

I’ve been having fun making up fabric stacks and showing a few here on Fridays. My goal is to actually make a quilt, even just a mini quilt, out of each fabric stack. We’ll see… perhaps a lofty goal!

Anyway, I loved this springy mix of yellowy greens, aquas and light grays, pulled from a favorite Liberty of London print (the floral shown in this stack). I’ve been wanting to try out an equilateral triangle pattern, so I snagged myself a triangle ruler from Joann’s and set about cutting this stack into a stack of triangles.

I only had a small piece of the Liberty, so I opted for smaller triangles – cutting them at 4.5″. It made for a small quilt (only about 32″ x 34″), but oh so very cute! It’s soft and pretty and a little floral, and just perfect for a brand new baby. I think it will be set aside for the next little girl (there seems to be an influx of boys at the moment!)

The backing is a mix of three favorite prints – this Lizzy House butterfly print I’m so fond of, a great print from Simpatico, and one of my favorite basics by Laurie Wisbrun. Also soft and pretty.

It’s quilted with straight lines 1/4″ from each seam, and I really love the way it looks. As a bonus, the minimal quilting keeps this quilt nice and soft.

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half squared

Just playing around a bit more with half square triangles and these lovely lower volume fabrics. The prints are nearly the same as those in my Trailmarker quilt, but I thought it might be fun to use them again in another design.

Last time I used a bunch of neutral solids, but this time I decided to stick with just white and off white. The layout is completely random – I paired the squares together to create the HSTs randomly and then set all the squares out on the floor pretty randomly. For a second I wondered if I should try and make some sort of pattern, but ultimately I decided I really like letting them fall as they may.

I hope to start working on the backing this week!

And the outtake of the day – my lovely sister who is looking oh so very thrilled at having the job of holding up the quilt!

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p.s. The Action Kivu fundraiser ends today, so if you’ve been waiting to donate, head over here to do it now!

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Action Kivu fundraiser

I’m happy to be able to blog again about the annual Action Kivu fundraiser, organized by Alissa of Handmade by Alissa. Last year we were able to reach, and slightly surpass!, the goal of $15,000, and this year Alissa hopes to do even better by raising $20,000 for this wonderful cause!

Action Kivu is a nonprofit organization working to help victims of the Congo rebuild their lives. They do this two ways – by providing sewing workshops teaching students to sew, knit and embroider so they can work as seamstresses to provide for their families, and secondly by working with primary schools to fund the education of children affected by the conflict. You can read more about their efforts here.

Let’s all work together to raise money for the women and children who are victims of the conflict in the Congo. Every little bit helps!

As an added incentive, similar to last year, by donating you’ll have a chance to be entered into a drawing for a number of really wonderful prizes! Donating to a worthy cause and having a chance to win a little something – what could be better?! Click here to donate and enter to win one of these great prizes. Please help spread the word and let’s see if together we can reach this goal!

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