Thank you to all who left comments about my recent Maze & Vale quilt top! I always appreciate you taking the time to comment, especially as I know it’s far easier to just read and move on to the next thing!
I imagine many of you already know of my love for Maze & Vale fabrics. I’ve probably gushed over these prints enough in the past, so I’ll make this brief today (plus I have a couple kids who are very anxious to get to the pool!). I’ve been fortunate enough to collect quite a bit of Leslie’s gorgeous designs over the past several years. I’ve used up much of my stash recently, but I’ve pulled together a fun little bundle that I want to offer up to one of you! I hope that the person who wins will have as much fun as I’ve had sewing with these great prints!
This giveaway is open to all – please just leave a comment on this post (one per person, please!). I’ll let the random number generator select a winner sometime on Wednesday. (er, or late Thursday… oops!)
Update! A winner! selected a low one this time – lucky number 5, Megan. Congrats, Megan! I hope you’ll have fun sewing with these lovely fabrics!
463 Responses to a monday giveaway!